Note: The Department of Modern Languages and Classics has suspended admissions for this program.
The Department of Modern Languages and Classics offers a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) French, a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) Spanish; a Master of Arts (M.A.) in French with optional concentrations in French Literature or North American French Studies. For details see the Modern Languages and Classics graduate web page or contact the graduate coordinator in the department.
Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish
The M.A.T. in Spanish (30 credits) has been redesigned with the collaboration of the campuses of the University of Maine System specifically to meet the needs of Maine’s schools. The programs offer full-time instruction during the academic year to meet the requirements of pre-service teachers and an intensive institute during the summer for in-service teachers. Candidates take seven to eight courses (21-24 credits) in language, literature, culture and linguistics in the target language, one course in language pedagogy (MLC 466/566), and one course on teaching the exceptional student in English (SED 500). An oral exam and a professional teaching portfolio which illustrate the candidate’s familiarity with Maine’s teaching standards and his/her readiness to teach a second language in the K-12 classroom are the final requirements for both degrees.
Practicing teachers who are already certified to teach Spanish may opt to take additional courses in their target language, or they may resume the study of a second foreign language at the advanced (400 or 500) level in lieu of taking courses leading to certification.
Graduate Faculty
Carlos Villacorta Gonzales, Ph.D. (Boston University, 2009), Associate Professor of Spanish and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Classics. Twentieth and 21st Century Latin American Literature and Culture; Contemporary Peruvian Poetry; Post-modernism in Latin American, Urban Studies.
Zachary Rockwell Ludington, Ph.D. (University of Virginia, 2014), Associate Professor of Spanish and Graduate Coordinator. Modern and Contemporary Spain, the international Avant-Garde, La Edad de Plata, Translation.
Susan Pinette, Ph.D. (University of California, Irvine, 1999), Professor and Director, Franco-American Programs. Francophone literature. Eighteenth century French literature.
Frédéric Rondeau, Ph.D. (McGill University, 2010), Associate Professor of French and Director of the Canadian-American Center. 20th Century Quebec Literature and Culture; Counter-Culture (transnational perspective); Post-68 Literature, Culture, and Politics (France-Quebec); Francophone Literature of North America; Quebec Poetry and Literary Journals; Literary Avant-gardes; Contemporary French philosophy
Associate Faculty
Andrea Mercado, M.S./M.A. (Florida International University, Miami, FL 2009) Instructor. Specializations in teaching English language learners, Underrepresented populations, Student with Limited/Interrupted Formal Education, Family and Community Partnerships
Maria Sandweiss, M.L.S. (Maine, 2010), Lecturer in Spanish. Hispanics in the U.S. and foreign language pedagogy.
Kathryn E. Slott, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania, 1980), Associate Professor. Nineteenth and 20th century poetry. Nineteenth century novel. Twentieth century theatre. Poetics. Québec literature.
Marie-Joëlle St-Louis Savoie, Ph.D. (Université de Montréal, 2012), Lecturer in French. French Literature (20th Century); Literature and Philosophy (20th Century France); Literature and Psychoanalysis; Sarah Kofman; World War II, Shoah; Autobiography; Theories of survival (art history, philosophy, psychoanalysis); Arts and literature.
External Faculty
Nancy Erickson, Ph.D. (Michigan, 1992), Associate Professor, University of Southern Maine. French Renaissance literature. French women writers.
Jean-Claude Redonnet, Doctorat d’Etat és Lettres (1979). Director of Research & Professor Emeritus, Université de Paris-Sorbonne. International collaboration in higher education and cultural exchange.
Emeriti Faculty
Jane S. Smith, Ph.D. (Washington, 1994), Associate Professor Emerita of French. French linguistics. North American French dialects. Morphology. Language policy. Foreign language pedagogy.
Eugene F. Del Vecchio, Ph.D. (University of Washington, 1979), Professor. Nineteenth and early 20th century Spanish literature. Comparative literature. Literary and genre criticism.
Kathleen N. March, Ph.D. (SUNY at Buffalo, 1979), Emerita Professor. Contemporary Hispanic literature. Literature and society. Peninsular and Latin-American narrative and poetry.
Kristina Passman, Ph.D. (Iowa, 1982), Emerita Associate Professor. Mythology. Latin literature. Women in the Ancient World. Greek.
Raymond J. Pelletier, Ph.D. (Massachusetts-Amherst, 1977), Emeritus Associate Professor and former Director, Canadian-American Center. Graduate Coordinator. Eighteenth century French literature. Foreign language pedagogy. Franco-American literature and culture. Bilingualism and bilingual education.
James Troiano, Ph.D. (SUNY at Buffalo, 1973), Professor Emeritus. Contemporary Latin-American theatre and short story.