A student selects and completes distributions in required courses, an area of interest, and electives. Students must complete 32 credit hours (33 if they are Teaching Assistants).
1. Core (20 or 21 credits, contingent on Teaching Assistant status):
a. Required Courses (11 credits):
CMJ 515 Mass Communication Theory (Credits: 3)
CMJ 600 Introduction to Graduate Study in Communication (Credits: 2)
CMJ 601 Seminar in Research Methods (Credits: 3)
CMJ 608 Communication Theory (Credits: 3)
b. One additional research methods course selected from below (3 credits):
CMJ 503 Critical Historiography of Rhetoric (Credits: 3), OR
CMJ 603 Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism (Credits: 3), OR
CMJ 604 Qualitative Communication Research Methods (Credits: 3)
c. Two CMJ seminars in a Communication or Mass Communication “area of emphasis” (6 credits): See list of courses under “Electives” below. Tracked courses to be approved by Advisory Committee. This is a minimum. Students with interest in Communication or Mass Communication are encouraged to use all their elective credits to their area of emphasis.
d. Teaching Pro-seminar [required only for CMJ Teaching Assistants] (1 credit)
CMJ 602* Teaching Communication in College (Credit: 1)
*All Graduate Teaching Assistants are required to enroll in CMJ 602 in their first Fall semester.
2. Electives (12 credits):
a. Departmental Electives
CMJ 503 Critical Historiography of Rhetoric (Credits: 3) [if not used as methods requirement]
CMJ 506 Rhetorical Theory: Civic Tradition (Credits: 3)
CMJ 510 Critical Studies in Mass Communication (Credits: 3)
CMJ 520 Media History (Credits: 3)
CMJ 525 Propaganda and Political Communication (Credits: 3)
CMJ 545 Media Ecology (Credits: 3)
CMJ 580 Environmental Communication (Credits: 3)
CMJ 593 Topics in Communication (Credits: 3) [may be repeated with new content]
CMJ 602 Teaching Communication in College (Credit: 1) [if not used as a TA requirement]
CMJ 603 Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism (Credits: 3) [if not used as methods requirement]
CMJ 604 Qualitative Communication Research Methods (Credits: 3) [if not used as methods requirement]
CMJ 605 Communication in Organizations (Credits: 3)
CMJ 606 Rhetorical Theory: Critical Tradition (Credits: 3)
CMJ 610 Risk Communication (Credits: 3)
CMJ 695 Graduate Internship (up to 3 credits; approval required)
CMJ 698 Contemporary Issues in Human Communication (Credits: 3)
b. Outside Electives: Up to 6 credits of elective course work outside of CMJ may replace Departmental electives:
- if the courses are applicable to the student’s research interests, and
- if the student receives unanimous approval from the student’s Advisory Committee
3. Thesis Credits (Optional): If the MA thesis option is selected, 6 credits replace Elective course work.
CMJ 699 Graduate Thesis (1-6/term, repeatable for 6 total
4. Final Project: Students’ thesis or research paper will reflect their area of emphasis. Communication students will produce Communication-oriented projects and Mass Communication students will produce Mass Communication-oriented Projects.
General Information
In the first semester, a temporary advisor will be appointed. Students work with this faculty member in developing their plans for the program of study. The official program must be turned in to the Graduate School after completing 12 hours of course work or prior to the third registration (i.e., during the second semester of a two-year or four-semester program). During the first year (semesters one and two) students select their official advisory committee for either a thesis or non-thesis program. For Master’s students, three faculty members are required for the official committee; at least two must be members of the Graduate Faculty in Communication. For doctoral students, five faculty members are required for the official committee; three Graduate Faculty in Communication are required, as well as two Graduate Faculty from the student’s external concentration. All members of a student’s official committee must approve the program of study. The official committee must also approve changes to the program of study once it has been submitted. Students may change members of the committee as necessary and appropriate.
Master’s Program Research Options
Research Paper Option. This option requires:
The student must prepare and present a research project. Although the non-thesis project is not as extensive as the thesis, the research paper must evidence critical thinking. The student defends the research paper in an oral examination.
Thesis Option. Students electing the thesis option enroll in CMJ 699 for a maximum of six (6) hours. The student’s official advisory committee must approve a thesis prospectus prior to the student undertaking the research. After the thesis is completed, the student defends the research in an oral examination.
Doctoral Program Research Option
Dissertation. After completing a comprehensive examination, doctoral candidates enroll in CMJ 699 for a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours. The comprehensive exam is a timed essay exam based on questions developed by the committee in consultation with the student. Post-exam, the student’s official advisory committee must approve a dissertation prospectus prior to the student undertaking the research. After the thesis is completed, the student defends the research in an oral examination.
Graduate Faculty
Paul Grosswiler, Ph.D. (Missouri, 1990), Professor. International mass communication, culture and technology, media ecology
Liliana L. Herakova, Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts, 2014), Lecturer. Health communication, food studies, pedagogy, social justice.
Bridie McGreavy, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2012), Assistant Professor. Environmental communication, argument and critical thinking, communication research, sustainability science.
Laura N. Rickard, Ph.D. (Cornell University, 2012), Assistant Professor and Graduate Coordinator. Risk communication, strategic communication, environmental communication, sustainability, policy.
Joshua M. Roiland, Ph.D. (University of Saint Louis, 2011), CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Journalism. Literary journalism, digital media.
Holly E. Schreiber, Ph.D. (Indiana University, 2015), Assistant Professor. Literary journalism, media criticism, poverty studies.
John Sherblom, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 1986), Professor. Organizational communication, computer-mediated communication, complex systems and quantitative research methods.
Michael J. Socolow, Ph.D. (Georgetown University, 2001), Associate Professor. History of mass communication, broadcast journalism, sports broadcasting, propaganda.
Nathan E. Stormer, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota, 1997), Associate Professor and Chair. Rhetorical theory and criticism, medical rhetoric, and visual communication.
Claire F. Sullivan, Ph.D. (University of Washington, 1991), Associate Professor. Interpersonal communication, health communication, and sport communication.