NOTE: The Master of Wildlife Conservation (MWC) Program is currently not accepting applications.
The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology in the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture offers graduate study leading to a Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology, a non-thesis Master of Wildlife Conservation, and a Doctoral degree in Wildlife Ecology. A broad range of ecosystems, modern laboratory facilities, and a diversified staff provide excellent opportunities for graduate study in wildlife ecology. Emphasis is placed on detailed studies of wildlife species and the habitats in which they live. Research may be conducted in such areas as terrestrial and aquatic ecology, fisheries, physiology, behavior, population dynamics, resource management, and the influence of environmental disturbances. The department is home to federal biologists with the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fisheries and Wildlife Research Unit. These scientists have faculty appointments and advise graduate students. The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology offers the following degrees:
• Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology (thesis)
• M.S. in Wildlife Ecology (thesis)
• Master of Wildlife Conservation (non-thesis)
Students are admitted to these graduate programs based on the strength of their academic records, GRE scores, experience, and recommendations. Please note the critical distinction in admission processes between: i) our research based programs (MS; Master of Science and PhD; doctoral) and ii) our MWC (Master of Wildlife Conservation) program.
1. Research based MS and PhD programs: Students are only admitted when teaching or research assistantships are available and are rarely accepted based on application to the Graduate School without prior communication with faculty. Because of this, interested students are strongly encouraged to contact and coordinate with prospective major professors to assess potential for support before applying. Available assistantships are posted on the Department web page. Note that these advertised assistantships often have unique deadlines and starting dates, different from the University pattern of January application for September starts. These assistantships include stipends and payment of tuition; additional funding is available for research expenses for most projects. For this reason, these positions are very competitive.
2. MWC program: This program is primarily course-work oriented and has no guaranteed financial support. Students seeking this degree are encouraged to apply directly to graduate school. Applications for the Master of Wildlife Conservation program are reviewed from January through March for programs that begin in September. March 31 is the deadline for application. For the most up to date details about specific aspects of the program and the availability of assistantships, visit or write to the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology.
WFCB Graduate Faculty
Erik J. Blomberg, Ph.D. (University of Nevada, 2012), Associate Professor. Population dynamics of avian wildlife.
Aram J.K. Calhoun, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 1996), Professor Emerita, not accepting new students. Vernal pool ecology and conservation, wetland ecology.
Noah Charney, Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2010), Assistant Professor. Landscape Ecology, Climate Change Impact Modeling, Vernal Pool Conservation, Urban Ecology, Natural History, Unisexual Salamanders.
Stephen M. Coghlan, Jr., Ph.D. (State University of New York, 2004), Associate Professor. Energetic ecology of Atlantic salmon, brook trout, and smallmouth bass; fish response to dam removal; role of anadromous fishes in stream food webs; ecology of headwater streams; fish foraging; fish-habitat relations.
Malcolm L. Hunter, Jr., D. Phil. (Oxford University, 1978), Professor Emerita, not accepting new students. Conservation biology, forest wildlife management, landscape ecology, international conservation.
Jessica S. Jansujwicz, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2011), Research Assistant Professor. Human dimensions of natural resources, environmental policy, sustainability science.
Cynthia S. Loftin, Ph.D. (University of Florida, 1998), Associate Professor, not accepting new students. Systems ecology, landscape ecology, wetlands ecology, GIS applications.
Sabrina Morano, Ph.D. (University of Nevada, 2016) Assistant Professor. Habitat use and population dynamics of large mammals.
Alessio Mortelliti, Ph.D. (University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 2008), Research Assistant Professor, not accepting new students. Conservation biology, effects of land-use change on vertebrates, mammalogy, quantitative modelling, wildlife surveys and monitoring.
Christina Murphy, Ph.D. (Oregon State University, 2019) Assistant Professor and Assistant Unit Leader-Fisheries, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Fish ecology and conservation.
Tristan Nunez, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley, 2017), Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor and Assistant Unit Leader-Wildlife, Maine Xooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.
Sydne Record, Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2010), Associate Professor. Understanding drivers of biodiversity across scales of space, time, and biological organization.
Amber M. Roth, Ph.D. (Michigan Technological University, 2012), Assistant Professor. Forest ecology and land use.
Joseph D. Zydlewski, Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts, 1998), Professor and Unit Leader, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Physiology, behavior and ecology of migratory fishes both in the laboratory and in the field.