Graduate programs in Special Education prepare educators to meet national standards of excellence in communication skills, professional knowledge, and teaching competence. Programs of study are offered for both entry-level and experienced professionals and include certification and non-certification options. The M.Ed. program offers concentrations in High Incidence Disabilities, Low Incidence Disabilities, Dual Low and High Incidence Disabilities, Early Intervention, and Individualized.
Certification Options
Teacher of Students with High Incidence Disabilities (M.Ed.)
This 36-credit hour program leads to state certification as Teacher of Students with Disabilities (K-8 or 7-12) (282). It is designed for students who have a background in elementary or secondary education or have experience working with students with disabilities, and who can document competency and prior coursework in child/adolescent development and adapting instruction for students with disabilities (SED 302/500 or the equivalent). Applicants who have not met program prerequisites may be admitted for part-time study if they are currently employed in work with students with disabilities. Prerequisite coursework must be taken prior to enrolling in courses for the M.Ed. Courses are delivered via distance education technology.
Educational Specialists for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities (M.Ed.)
M.Ed.: This 36-credit hour program leads to state certification as an Educational Specialist for Students with Severe Disabilities (286). It is designed for candidates who have an interest in working with students with autism spectrum disorders and other low incidence disabilities, and who have a background in elementary or secondary education; however, it may be appropriate for students with undergraduate majors in related fields such as child development, psychology, communication disorders, occupational and physical therapy, and nursing. Courses are delivered via distance education technology.
Early Intervention Personnel (M.Ed.)
This 36-credit program provides a foundation in the field of early intervention/early childhood and preparation for leadership roles. The program leads to state certification as Teacher of Children with Disabilities (282, birth to school-age 5). The curriculum is designed to prepare students in the fundamentals of professional practice in early intervention for inclusive environments, provide students with advanced content in a variety of research areas (e.g., early childhood, early childhood special education, family relationships, collaborative consultation), and place students in practicum experiences with high needs children ages birth-5 and their families. Courses are delivered via distance education technology.
The concentration is appropriate for students with a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education or a related field who are currently working with, or have a desire to serve, high needs children with disabilities, ages birth to five, and their families.
Individually Designed
M.Ed. or E.d.S.: Individually designed programs are for professionals who already hold certification in special education or are not interested in certification as a special education teacher. M.Ed. programs require a minimum of 36 credit hours of study. E.d.S programs require a minimum of 30 credit for those with a master’s degree in Special Education; 39-45 hours for those with a master’s degree in a related field.
Potential candidates include:
- Experienced special educators who want to pursue more specialized study of a particular disability or topic (e.g., autism spectrum disorders, positive behavior interventions and supports, learning disabilities), or to combine study in Special Education with study in another field (e.g., Educational Leadership, Instructional Technology, Literacy);
- General education teachers who want to increase their expertise in working with students with disabilities in general education classrooms; and
- Related services personnel who want to increase their understanding of educational policies and practices pertaining to students with disabilities (e.g., instructional strategies, educational assessments, special education law).
With a faculty advisor, students select courses around their unique needs and interests. Courses are drawn from Special Education and other areas in the College of Education and Human Development, although at least 50 percent of the student’s credits for the degree must be in Special Education.
Graduate Certificates
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support: RTI for Behavior Certificate
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a model that focuses on research-based methods of prevention and intervention combined with data-based decision making to improve student behavioral and academic outcomes. The purpose of this certificate is to provide a sequence of courses that prepares school personnel to lead the development, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of a three-tiered continuum of behavioral support and intervention in school settings.
This certificate program will provide a sequence of coursework based on a three-tier service delivery model consistent with requirements of federal and state law. Students will have the knowledge and skills to provide support to students with intensive behavioral needs, provide leadership to their schools, serve as “coaches” in supporting school implementation in their schools.Visit the Education and Human Development website for additional information.
Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders
In 2000, the Center for Disease Control estimated that 1 in 1000 children were diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). By 2018, those estimates had increased to 1 in 59. All preK-12 schools in Maine are required to provide educational services to students with an ASD in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). The primary purpose of this 3-course certificate sequence is to prepare experienced educators, administrators and related service providers to assume a leadership role in the development and implementation of educational programs for students with autism in school settings.
Certificate program objectives:
- Candidates will develop theoretical knowledge and applied skills for understanding the needs of students with ASD and providing evidence-based practices according to individual needs.
- Candidates will have the necessary theoretical and applied background to provide leadership to their schools and districts in developing a sound model of educational and social/behavioral support and intervention.
- Candidates will be familiar with and able to access available resources to support their districts’ efforts in providing services for their students with ASD.
Candidates will have the knowledge and skills to serve as team leaders and coaches in supporting program implementation in their schools and districts.
Graduate Certification: High Leverage Practices to Promote Inclusion
Data from the National Center for Education Statistics indicate that 62% of all students identified with a disability are educated in the general education setting for 80% or more of the school day. The High Leverage Practices to Promote Inclusion Graduate Certificate responds to this critical and growing need for teachers to have appropriate support for serving all students in their classrooms, including students with disabilities, at risk students, and typical learners.
In this certificate program, you will learn the practical tools to implement instructional changes that promote diversity and foster inclusivity in your classroom and within the school culture. You will join students from a variety of backgrounds and fields and participate in active learning experiences using evidence-based inclusive practices for students. You will learn about high leverage practices (HLPs) that are critical to helping students learn and for supporting students’ social and emotional development. Field-based experiences are threaded throughout the program so candidates receive first-hand opportunities to translate research and theory into practice.
Ideal candidates for this Graduate Certificate include
- practicing teachers in areas such as elementary education or content area teachers at the middle or high school levels seeking knowledge and skills that will enhance their ability to serve all students within inclusive settings.
- practicing teachers in special education seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in this area. This certificate can be used as a Stepping Stone to the Master in Education, Special Education program, with a complete transfer of credits to the master’s program of study.
Certificate program outcomes
The Graduate Certificate in High Leverage Practices to Promote Inclusion prepares candidates to:
- Understand current issues and challenges relating to effective learning interventions
- Apply the latest research in educational intervention
- Promote positive learning and inclusive education
- Interpret assessment data
- Develop knowledge and skills to better meet the diverse needs of students in all educational settings
Field Work, Research and Service
Field work and internships are an important component of all graduate programs in Special Education. Faculty and students are an integral part of the social and educational service community in Maine, and close relationships are maintained with public schools and community agencies. Students also have the opportunity to participate in faculty research and service projects.
Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
On January 1, 2014 the Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research (MAIER) was launched as a partnership between the Maine Department of Education and the University of Maine, College of Education and Human Development (COEHD). Our mission is to build statewide capacity to improve outcomes for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) through leadership, training, professional development, collaboration, and research.
Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research
5766 Shibles Hall, 303
Orono, ME 04469
Phone: 207.581.2352
Fax: 207.581.9510
For more information, see
Areas of Program Involvement/Research
A. James Artesani, Ed.D., W. Virginia University
Associate Professor; Associate Dean of Accreditation and Graduate Affairs
(207) 581-4061
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Emotional and behavioral disabilities
Diane Jackson, Ed.D., University of Maine
(207) 581-2401
Adapting instruction for students with disabilities
Math methods in special education
Adolescents and adults with learning disabilities
Deborah L. Rooks-Ellis, Ph.D. University of Arizona.
Assistant Professor, Program Coordinator, Director of the Maine Autism Institute
for Education and Research
(207) 581-2352
Early intervention
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Low incidence disabilities
Implementation science and fidelity
Sara Flanagan, Ph.D. Purdue University
Assistant Professor
(207) 581-2452
Written expression
Students with high incidence disabilities
Courtney Angelosante, M.S., BCBA
For admission to a graduate program in Special Education, students must meet basic standards of the Graduate School and special eligibility requirements of the program.
Applicants may take either the GRE (no advanced test required) ( or the Miller Analogies Test ( For students with an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above, this testing requirement is waived.
Applicants seeking admission to programs that lead to certification must submit scores on Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators with their applications ( Candidates who are already certified in Maine and have taken Praxis previously may submit a copy of their certificates to document that they have met state standards on the test.
Applicants may be invited for a personal interview with the Special Education faculty. Students should request financial aid information from the University’s Student Financial Aid Office. Special Education scholarships are sometimes available for candidates with documented financial needs. To be eligible, applicants must have applied for financial aid through the University’s Office of Student Financial Aid.
Teacher certification is granted by the Maine Department of Education, not by the University of Maine. Students who successfully complete ALL the requirements of our NCATE-approved, professional preparation programs ( High Incidence Disabilities, Low Incidence Disabilities, Early Intervention ) including documentation of fingerprinting, background check, and passing scores on Praxis II in Special Education will be eligible for certification. Specific information regarding certification is available from the Maine Department of Education, Certification Services, State House Station 23, Augusta, ME 04333.
Contact information:
Dr. Deborah L. Rooks-Ellis, Program Coordinator (; 207-581-2352).