John-Pascal Berrill, PhD. (University of California, Berkeley, 2008), Associate Professor of Silviculture.
Mindy S. Crandall, Ph.D. (Oregon State University, 2014), Assistant Professor of Forest Landscape Management.
John J. Daigle, Ph.D. (Massachusetts, 1997), Professor of Forest Recreation Management.
Adam J. Daigneault, Ph.D. (Ohio State University, 2006), Assistant Professor of Forest, Conservation, and Recreation Policy.
Sandra De Urioste-Stone, Ph.D. (University of Idaho, 2008), Associate Professor of Nature-based Tourism
Ivan J. Fernandez, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 1981), Professor of Soil Science.
Shawn Fraver, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2004). Associate Professor of Forest Ecosystem Science (Carbon & Climate Dynamics).
Douglas J. Gardner, Ph.D. (Mississippi State, 1985), Professor of Wood Science and Technology.
Daniel J. Hayes, Ph.D. (Oregon State University, 2006), Barbara Wheatland Assistant Professor of Geospatial Analysis and Remote Sensing.
Keith Kanoti,, M.S. (University of Maine, 2005), University Forest Manager.
Laura S. Kenefic, Ph.D. (Maine, 2000), Assistant Research Professor of Forest Resources.
Anil Raj Kizha, Ph.D. (Louisiana State University A&M, 2012), Assistant Professor of Forest Operations.
Christian Kuehne, Ph.D. (Institute of Silviculture, 2004).
Jessica Leahy, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota, 2005), Professor of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources.
Ling Li, Ph.D. (University of New Brunswick, 2014). Assistant Professor of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems.
William H. Livingston, Ph.D. (Minnesota, 1985), Associate Professor of Forest Resources.
Parinaz Rahimzadeh Bajgiran, Ph.D. (University of Tokyo), Assistant Research Professor.
Amber Roth, Ph.D. (Michigan Technological University, 2012), Assistant Professor of Forest Wildlife Management.
Brian E. Roth, Ph.D. (University of Florida, 2010). Associate Director, Cooperative Forestry Research Unit (CFRU).
Stephen M. Shaler, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State University, 1986). Director, School of Forest Resources, Professor of Wood Science and Technology, and Associate Director, Advanced Structures and Composites Center.
Erin Simons-Legaard, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2009). Assistant Research Professor.
Mehdi Tajvidi, Ph.D. (University of Tehran, 2003). Associate Professor of Renewable Nanomaterials..
Jay Wason, Ph.D. (SUNY, 2016). Assistant Professor of Forest Ecosystem Physiology.
Aaron R. Weiskittel, Ph.D. (Oregon State, 2006), Professor of Forest Biometrics and Modeling.
External Graduate Faculty:
Abrams, Jesse. Ph.D. (Oregon State University, 2011)
Mark Ashton, Ph.D. (Yale University)
Mohammad Bataineh, Ph.D. (Stephen F. Austin State University, 2006)
Jeffrey G. Benjamin, Ph.D. (University of New Brunswick, 2006)
Steven Bick, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech, 1996)
Arun Bose, Ph.D. (University of Quebec, Canada, 2014)
Nathaniel Brunsel, Ph.D. (Utah State University, 2003)
Zhiyong Cai, Ph.D. (Purdue University, 1997)
Chris Colocousis, Ph.D. (University of New Hampshire, 2010)
Bruce Cook, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota, 2008)
Katherine Crowley, Ph.D. (Cornell University, 2009)
Anthony D’Amato, Ph.D. (University of Massachusetts, 2007)
Mark Ducey, Ph.D. (Yale University, 1996)
Marla R. Emery, Ph.D. (Rutgers University, 1998)
Nicholas Fisichelli, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota, 2012)
David Foster, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota, 1983)
Rene Germain, Ph.D. (State University of New York, 1997)
Tian Guo, Ph.D. (North Carolina State University, 2016)
Yousoo Han, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin, 2002)
Ryan P. Hanavan, Ph.D. (University of Idaho, 2008)
Sean Healey, Ph.D. (University of Washington. 2002)
David Hollinger, Ph.D. (Stanford University, 1984)
Emily Silver Huff, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2015)
Christopher G. Hunt, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin, 2006)
Lloyd C. Irland, Ph.D. (Yale, 1973)
Tora Johnson, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2015)
Laura S. Kenefic, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2000)
David Kittredge, Ph.D. (Yale University, 1986)
Lois-Ann Kuntz, Ph.D. (University of Florida, 1996).
Erin Lane, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2004).
Donald MacKay, PhD. (University of Minnesota). Economics, policy and administration, marketing.
David MacLean, Ph.D. (University of New Brunswick, 1978). CO2 emissions in forest operations, landscape pattern of naturally disturbed forest, high resolution mapping of biophysical indicators for growth and yield prediction.
Isabel Munck, Ph.D. (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008). External Graduate Faculty in Forest Resources. Forest health management.
Bethany Munoz, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2017).
Marla O’Bryne, M.A. (University of Maine, 1990).
Kristin Peet, M.F. (University of Maine, 2013).
Peter Pekins, Ph.D. (Utah State University, 1988).
Jean-Claude Ruel, Ph.D. (Universite Laval, 1987).
Anica Miller-Rushing, M.E. (Boston College, 2004).
David G. Ray, M.S. (University of Maine, 1997).
Todd S. Rushing, Ph.D. (University of Southern Mississippi, 2004).
Erin Seekamp, Ph.D. (University of Idaho, 2006).
Santosh Serchan, M.S. (Pokhara University).
Nathan Siegert, Ph.D. (Michigan State University, 2004).
Stephanie Snyder, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins University, 1996).
William Carter Stone, M.S. (Florida State University, 2003).
Crista Straub, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 2012).
David B. Struble, M.S. (University of Maine, 1974).
Neil Thompson, Ph.D. (University of Northern British Columbia, 2017).
Bret P. Vicary, Ph.D. (University of Maine, 1986).
Jinwu Wang, Ph.D. (Washington State University, 2007).
Jeremy S. Wilson, Ph.D. (University of Washington, 1988).
Stephen Wyatt, Ph.D. (Universite Laval, 2003
Emeritus Graduate Faculty:
Robert W. Rice, Ph.D. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988), Emeritus Professor of Wood Science and Technology.
Robert S. Seymour, Ph.D. (Yale University, 1980). Emeritus Professor of Forest Resources.
Alan S. White, Ph.D. (Minnesota, 1981), Emeritus Professor of Forest Ecology.
G. Bruce Wiersma, Ph.D. (SUNY, 1968), Emeritus Professor of Forest Resources.