Graduate studies in the Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences can lead to an M.P.S., M.S. or Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry. Students may choose from a variety of research areas in biochemistry and molecular biology. Financial aid is available on a competitive basis, primarily in the form of graduate teaching assistantships. Research assistantships and University fellowships are also available.
Faculty members are actively involved in research that is supported at the federal level. Students admitted to the graduate program in Biochemistry may also carry out their research with faculty listed under Microbiology in this catalog, in a number of laboratories in other departments at the University, the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, the Maine Medical Center Research Institute in Portland, or through cooperative institutional arrangements and Associate faculty or staff.
The Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is awarded for significant and original contributions to basic knowledge through research. The department also participates in the Ph.D. program in Biomedical Sciences. The curriculum plan is variable and will take into account each student’s goals for graduate study and the content and quality of his or her undergraduate preparation.
The Master’s program prepares students for further studies toward the Ph.D., or medical degrees, as well as for careers in academic or industrial research, or teaching. The M.P.S., Master of Professional Studies, is a non-thesis Master’s degree.
The Department of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences is housed in Hitchner Hall which is well equipped to do modern research in biochemistry, bacteriology, animal virology, molecular biology, and immunology. Equipment available for research includes preparative and analytical ultracentrifuges, liquid scintillation radioisotope counters, high speed refrigerated centrifuges, biohazard chambers, tissue culture facilities, flow cytometers, electrophoresis equipment, a gas chromatograph, phase, confocal, and fluorescent microscopes, and transmission and scanning electron microscopes. Hitchner Hall has an excellent zebrafish facility on site. Additional facilities are available on campus for holding and breeding small animals.
Prerequisite for admission to these programs is the completion of undergraduate work in chemistry, mathematics, and physics substantially equivalent to that required of undergraduate students at this institution whose major is Biochemistry.
Graduate Faculty
Robert E. Gundersen, Ph.D. (University of Texas-Austin, 1983), Chair and Associate Professor. The role of signal transduction during growth and development in eukaryotes.
Dorothy E. Croall, Ph.D. (University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, 1979) Professor. Biochemistry of proteins and enzymes with focus on calcium dependent proteases (calpains) and their diverse biological roles.
Julie A. Gosse, Ph.D. (Cornell, 2005), Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator. Biochemical, molecular, and cellular toxicology to aid in human environmental health risk assessment.
Keith W. Hutchison, Ph.D. (Wisconsin-Madison, 1974) Professor. Genome reprogramming and gene expression in early vertebrate development.
Carol H. Kim, Ph.D. (Cornell, 1992), Professor. Viral pathogens and vaccine development in a zebrafish model system.
Melissa S.Maginnis, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt, 2007) Assistant Professor. Virus-host cell interactions that regulate JC Polyomavirus infection and pathogenesis.
Roger Sher, Ph.D. (California-Davis, 2000), Assistant Professor, Genetics and neuromuscular degenerative diseases
John T. Singer, Ph.D. (Georgia, 1983), Professor . Molecular genetics and microbial physiology.
Rebecca J. Van Beneden, Ph.D. (The Johns Hopkins University, 1983), Professor. Molecular oncology and aquatic toxicology; the role of cellular oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in response to environmental toxicants; regulation of gene expression; molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis in non-mammalian models.
Robert T. Wheeler, PhD (Stanford, 2000), Associate Professor. Genetics, genomics, biochemistry and cell biology of fungal pathogens with mammalian hosts.