General Information
In the first semester, a temporary advisor will be appointed. Students work with this faculty member in developing their plans for the program of study. The official program must be turned in to the Graduate School after completing 12 hours of course work or prior to the third registration (i.e., during the second semester of a two-year or four-semester program). During the first year (semesters one and two) students select their official advisory committee for either a thesis or non-thesis program. For Master’s students, three faculty members are required for the official committee; at least two must be members of the Graduate Faculty in Communication. For doctoral students, five faculty members are required for the official committee; three Graduate Faculty in Communication are required, as well as two Graduate Faculty from the student’s external concentration. All members of a student’s official committee must approve the program of study. The official committee must also approve changes to the program of study once it has been submitted. Students may change members of the committee as necessary and appropriate.
Master’s Program Research Options
Research Paper Option. This option requires:
The student must prepare and present a research project. Although the non-thesis project is not as extensive as the thesis, the research paper must evidence critical thinking. A synthesizing exam and an oral defense will be scheduled during the student’s final semester.
Thesis Option. Students electing the thesis option enroll in CMJ 699 for a maximum of six (6) hours. The student’s official advisory committee must approve a thesis prospectus prior to the student undertaking the research. After the thesis is completed, the student defends the research in an oral examination.
Doctoral Program Research Option
Dissertation. After completing a comprehensive examination, doctoral candidates enroll in CMJ 699 for a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours. The comprehensive exam is a timed essay exam based on questions developed by the committee in consultation with the student. Post-exam, the student’s official advisory committee must approve a dissertation prospectus prior to the student undertaking the research. After the thesis is completed, the student defends the research in an oral examination.
Paul Grosswiler, Ph.D. (Missouri, 1990), Professor. International mass communication, culture and technology, media ecology
Kristin M. Langellier, Ph.D. (Southern Illinois, 1980), Professor. Performance studies, narrative and storytelling, phenomenological and feminist methods.
Laura Lindenfeld, Ph.D. (University of California, Davis, 2003), Associate Professor. Environmental and sustainability studies, food studies, media studies, and public policy.
Jennifer Moore, Ph.D. (Minnesota, 2012), Assistant Professor. Mass communication, history of mass communication, visual culture.
Eric E. Peterson, Ph.D. (Southern Illinois, 1980), Professor and Graduate Coordinator. Media consumption, weblogs and online narrative, semiotics, and qualitative methods.
John Sherblom, Ph.D. (Maine, 1986), Professor. Organizational communication, computer-mediated communication, complex systems and quantitative research methods.
Michael J. Socolow, Ph.D. (Georgetown, 2001), Associate Professor, History of mass communication, broadcast journalism, and American Studies, and propaganda.
Jeffrey St. John, Ph.D. (Washington, 2000), Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Assessment. Rhetorical studies, argumentation, and theories of the public and public intellectuals.
Nathan E. Stormer, Ph.D. (Minnesota, 1997), Associate Professor and Chair. Rhetorical theory and criticism, medical rhetoric, and visual communication.
Claire F. Sullivan, Ph.D. (Washington, 1991), Associate Professor. Interpersonal communication, health communication, and sport communication.