The Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology offers a variety
of graduate degree programs. For the highly qualified student, a Ph.D. program
in Microbiology is available. Also available is a thesis program leading to the
M.S. as well as a non-thesis option, the Master of Professional Studies, designed
for professionals who wish to upgrade their knowledge or skills.
Prerequisites for admission include a bachelor’s degree in microbiology or other
biological science with undergraduate work in organic chemistry, biochemistry,
mathematics, and physics.
Curricula are planned to suit the interests and needs of the individual student
and to provide a strong background in microbiology and molecular biology.
Teaching and research assistantships are available in various fields of microbiology.
The Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology is housed
in a new addition to Hitchner Hall which is well equipped to do modern research
in bacteriology, animal virology, molecular biology, and immunology. Equipment
available for research includes preparative and analytical ultracentrifuges, liquid
scintillation radioisotope counters, high speed refrigerated centrifuges, biohazard
chambers, tissue culture facilities, density gradient equipment, electrophoresis
equipment, a gas chromatograph, fermentors, phase and fluorescent microscopes,
and transmission and scanning electron microscopes. Excellent facilities are available
for holding and breeding small animals including both fresh and salt water fishes.
The microbiology program offers diversified training at the graduate level through
interdisciplinary and interdepartmental course offerings and research opportunities
in cooperation with the Department of Biological Sciences and the School of Marine
Sciences. Our proximity to the Jackson Laboratory, Mount Desert Biological Laboratory,
Bowdoin College, Togus VA Hospital, and the Eastern Maine Medical Center provides
additional opportunities for specialized graduate study.
Graduate Faculty
John T. Singer, Ph.D. (Georgia, 1983), Professor and Chair. Molecular genetics and microbial
W. Murray Bain, Ph.D. (Indiana University, 1959, Professor Emeritus of Microbiology.
Katherine J. Boettcher, Ph.D. (University of Southern California, 1994), Assistant Professor. Bacterial
physiology and adaptation, invertebrate microbiology, marine microbiology.
Charles E. Buck, Ph.D. (Ohio State University, 1951), Professor Emeritus of Microbiology.
August J. De Siervo, Ph.D. (Rutgers, 1968), Associate Professor Emeritus. Chemistry and metabolism
of cellular lipids.
Daniel E. Distel, Ph.D. (Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UCSD, 1988), Associate Professor.
Symbiotic relationships between bacteria and marine organisms.
Robert E. Gundersen, Ph.D. (University of Texas-Austin, 1983), Associate Professor. The role of
signal transduction during growth and development in eukaryotes.
Jody Jellison, Ph.D. (Oregon State, 1983). Cooperating Professor. Metal metabolism on fungi.
Carol H. Kim, Ph.D. (Cornell, 1992), Associate Professor. Viral pathogens and vaccine development
in a zebrafish model system.
Gary M. King, Ph.D. (Georgia 1978), Professor. Microbial ecology and biogeochemistry.
Charles E. Moody, Ph.D. (Rhode Island, 1976), Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator. Developmental
and comparative immunology.
Bruce L. Nicholson, Ph.D. (Maryland, 1969), Professor of Microbiology. Animal viruses, particularly
viruses of fish and other poikilothermic vertebrates.
Darrell Pratt, Ph.D. (Harvard University, 1951), Professor Emeritus of Microbiology.
Stylianos M. Tavantzis, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania State, 1980), Cooperating Professor. Plant virology.
Rebecca J. Van Beneden, Ph.D. (The Johns Hopkins University, 1983), Professor. Molecular oncology and
aquatic toxicology; the role of cellular oncogenes and tumor suppression genes
in response to environmental toxicants; regulation of gene expression; molecular
mechanisms of tumorigenesis in non-mammalian models.