The Masters of Science in Biological Engineering prepares students to conduct research involving the application of engineering to biological systems. Examples of research projects are sensors to detect specific biological molecules or pathogens in food or water, understanding cell membranes in terms of signaling and transport of molecules, imaging of cells or proteins, conformation of biological molecules at membrane surfaces as well as environmental risk assessment modeling. Alliances with several governmental agencies and other organizations, such as the Institute of Molecular Biophysics, the Jackson Laboratory and Maine Medical Center Research Institute, increase research opportunities related to genetics and biomedical issues in engineering. Cooperation with the Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology gives access to tools related to surface analysis.
Research Facilities
Standard equipment for cell growth and characterization, near IR, confocal microscope, mechanical testing of biological materials and other tools are available. Specialized equipment is also available related to individual projects.
Financial Aid
Graduate Research Assistantships are available on a competitive basis for externally funded research projects.
Applications for entry into the program for either the fall or spring semesters must be received at least three months prior to the start of the semester. For fall semester, it is recommended that applications be received by March of that year. Applications are available on line at the graduate school web site.
The Graduate School
5782 Winslow Hall, Room 2
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5782
Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering
117 Jenness Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5737
Required core courses are CHE 510 (Transport Phenomena) and CHB 460 (Biochemical Engineering). One course in advanced mathematics, such as CHE 580, is required. Three technical electives, approved by the thesis committee, and two semesters of the graduate seminar course are required. A thesis and a total of 30 hours of graduate credits are needed to fulfill the master’s degree requirements.
Graduate Faculty
Darrell Donahue, Ph.D. (North Carolina State Univ., 1992), Associate Professor and Program Coordinator for Biological Engineering. Biosensors in food and medical applications, risk assessment modeling, statistical process control.
Michael D. Mason, Ph.D. (California at Santa Barbara, 2000), Assistant Professor. Photophysics of nanoparticles and molecular nanoprobes, single molecule imaging, time-resolved single photon spectroscopic imaging techniques.
Paul J. Millard, Ph.D., (University of Maryland, 1984), Assistant Professor. Microbial biosensors, physiological genomics of the zebrafish, fluorescence technology.
David J. Neivandt, Ph.D., (University of Melbourne, 1999), Assistant Professor. Determination of the orientation and conformation of interfacial species, surface spectroscopies/microscopies.
Anja Nohe, Ph.D., (Theodor Boveri Institute, 2002), Assistant Professor. Image correlation spectroscopy, surface spectroscopy/microscopy, bio-molecular kinetics and dynamics, signal transduction, biological membranes, bone and joint development, nanoparticles, molecular diffusion.
John G. Riley, Ph.D. (Cornell, 1969), Professor. Biomechanics and biological systems.