The Department of Chemistry offers programs of study and research leading to
the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. A wide range of research projects is available in
analytical, inorganic, materials, organic, physical and wood chemistry. In
addition, many of our faculty are actively engaged in interdisciplinary research
The general requirements for admission to programs leading to advanced degrees
are described in the general section of this catalog. Candidates for advanced
degrees in the Department of Chemistry normally are expected to have completed
the minimum undergraduate program established by the American Chemical Society
Committee on Professional Training.
The graduate program in chemistry may include any chemistry courses numbered
above 500, along with certain courses numbered between 400 and 500 if approved
by the student’s advisory committee, or in the first semester of study, by the
graduate executive committee of the department. Graduate courses in chemistry
include advanced analytical techniques, synthesis, and reaction mechanisms in
organic chemistry, molecular modeling and computer simulation methods, physical
inorganic and inorganic reaction mechanisms, organometallics, molecular
spectroscopy and statistical thermodynamics, and wood chemistry. Special topics
courses and seminar courses are also offered. Suitable courses in other
departments such as Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, or
Physics may also be included in a student’s program of study. Thesis-based
research is an integral part of the student’s training. Research normally
comprises about one-half of the 30 semester hours required in a master’s degree
program and about two-thirds of the work in a doctoral program.
Placement examinations are given to each entering graduate student and are used
as a guide in determining the program of study. Comprehensive examinations are
part of the doctoral program as described in the general regulations of the
Graduate School.
Candidates for the Ph.D. should have scientific reading knowledge of one
language, selected from German, Russian, French, or Japanese. No formal language
exam is required.
Graduate assistants usually require two years to complete the requirements for a
master’s degree. The minimum time for completion of requirements for the
doctorate is six semesters of full-time study and research beyond the bachelor’s
degree. Four years usually are required.
Graduate assistantships are available to qualified students.
The Five-Year Master of Science degree program allows highly qualified
undergraduates at The University of Maine to earn a Master of Science degree in
five years instead of the normal six-year period. It is designed for a small
number of very able students who wish to prepare for graduate school or medical
school, or for direct employment where a master’s degree has become a distinct
advantage in seeking professional positions in industry. Some electives for the
bachelor’s degree are replaced by courses in chemistry which count toward the
graduate degree. Further information about research projects and curriculum
requirements is available from the Chair of the Chemistry Department and the
department web site:
Barbara J. W. Cole, Ph.D. (Washington, 1986), Professor and Chair. Wood and
paper chemistry, carbohydrates, lignin, biologically active plant extracts.
François G. Amar, Ph.D. (Chicago, 1979), Associate Professor. Computer
simulation of reaction dynamics in molecular and ionic clusters, theory of
melting, properties of Van der Waals clusters, mixed quantum/classical dynamics.
Alice E. Bruce, Ph.D. (Columbia Univ., 1985), Associate Professor. Inorganic, organometallic and bioinorganic chemistry; synthesis, structure and reactivity
of gold(I) complexes; metal-containing liquid crystals; formation and reactivity
of gold clusters.
Mitchell R. M. Bruce, Ph.D. (Columbia Univ., 1985), Associate Professor.
Inorganic chemistry, reaction mechanisms, chemical and electrochemical redox
processes, gold(I) sulfur chemistry, mercury electrochemistry, activation of
small molecules, electronic structure and reaction pathways of bioinorganic and
organometallic complexes.
Raymond C. Fort, Jr., Ph.D. (Princeton, 1964), Professor. Computational organic
chemistry; wood chemistry.
Brian G. Frederick, Ph.D. (Cornell, 1991), Assistant Professor. Surface
chemistry and physics using electron and infra-red spectroscopies and scanning
probe microscopy.
Alla Gamarnik, Ph.D. (UCLA, 1993), Assistant Professor. Molecular electronic
devices, surface organic photochemistry, photochemistry in polymeric media.
Bruce L. Jensen, Ph.D. (Western Michigan, 1970), Associate Professor. Synthesis
of heterocyclic and natural products of medicinal interest. Study of halonium
ion rearrangements and chiral allylsilicon reagents. Curriculum development in
the undergraduate organic laboratory.
Howard H. Patterson, Ph.D. (Brandeis, 1968), Professor. Inorganic, bioinorganic
and environmental chemistry. Photocatalytic reactions with silver doped zeolites.
Clustering and exciplex behavior of gold (I) and silver (I) complexes. Optical
Jayendran C. Rasaiah, Ph.D. (Pittsburgh, 1965), Professor. Statistical mechanics
of electrolytes and polar fluids. Computer simulation studies of solutions.
Fluctuation dominated kinetics in heterogeneous media. Theory of electron
transfer reactions. Molecular biophysical chemistry.
Touradj Solouki, Ph.D. (Texas A & M, 1994), Assistant Professor. Structural mass
spectrometry by matrix-assisted laser desorption and electro-spray ionization FT
ion cyclotron resonance.
Carl P. Tripp, Ph.D. (University of Ottawa, 1988), Associate Professor. Surface
chemistry of materials, infrared and raman spectroscopy, chemical sensors,
biosensors, sol-gel synthesis of metal oxides, polyelectrolyte/surfactant
adsorption on surfaces, silane reactions on metal oxides, molecular studies of
paper coatings, electroluminescent devices, supercritical fluids.