The Department of Psychology offers graduate study leading to the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in experimental psychology and the Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology.
Candidates for admission are expected to meet the general requirements of the Graduate School and to have had fundamental courses in psychology as undergraduates, including a laboratory course in experimental psychology and a course in basic statistics. Applications for the clinical program are due Dec. 31 for a September admission.
The program leading to the M.A. in experimental psychology requires a minimum of 30 credit hours. This requirement includes six credit hours for the writing of an acceptable thesis based on research, six credit hours of directed research, the first graduate statistics course, and fifteen credit hours of graduate content courses chosen by the student and his/her committee.
The programs leading to the Ph.D. in experimental psychology and clinical psychology have a residence requirement as specified in the general section of the catalog.
However, the time required to complete course work and a thesis based upon an
original investigation ordinarily is longer than that required for residence.
The Department believes the best graduate education involves close working
relationships between faculty and students. Thus, a high faculty to student
ratio and small class size characterize our graduate programs. Every incoming
student is expected to work with a faculty member as a means of gaining valuable
teaching, research, and professional experience. There also are opportunities
for individualized study and experience in directed readings, research, and
supervised teaching. A faculty committee, selected to represent the student’s
interest, will assist the student in planning an appropriate graduate program.
Basic program requirements for all doctoral students are a minimum of 60 hours
consisting of PSY 611 and 661; three statistics courses; five courses selected
from PSY 522 or PSY 524, PSY 551 or PSY 520, PSY 556, PSY 558, PSY 561, PSY
567, PSY 634, PSY 641 (students in the clinical program are required to take
4 of these courses); 12 hours of elective graduate content courses; 12 hours
of directed research; and 6 hours of thesis credit.
The goal of this program is to prepare students for careers in college teaching
and research. All students will be expected to demonstrate a high level of competence
in one of the specialty areas listed below. Students also will be expected to
demonstrate competence in statistics and experimental design, and in several
areas of general psychology outside their specialty area. Competence will be
assessed in terms of performance in courses, research projects, teaching, and
a comprehensive examination. The comprehensive exam is given at the end of the
second year of graduate study or at the end of the first year for students entering
with a master’s degree from another university. The Department offers the following
specialty areas within experimental psychology:
The program offers lifespan training in social, cognitive, and psychobiological
development. With children and adolescents, concentrated study is available
in the areas of play, communicative competence, emotional development, friendship
evolution, peer relations, learning, and information processing. Students are
expected to become well-versed in developmental theory and methodology, as well
as actively involved in research. Besides offering applied experience with preschool
children in the Department’s Child Study Center, the program provides opportunities
to work with developmentally disabled and gerontological populations at the
Maine and Eastern Maine Medical Centers. (Faculty: Erdley, D. Hayes, M. Hayes,
This program covers several basic areas of experimental psychology, including
cognition, perception, biopsychology, and neuropsychology. Students develop
research skills and conduct research in at least one specialty area. Students
also become familiar with areas of general psychology outside their specialty,
and with statistics and experimental design. Students work closely with a research
advisor, and begin research involvement in the first year. There are many opportunities
for individualized study and directed readings. Opportunities for teaching are
available to advanced graduate students. Applicants should write to faculty
members in their area of interest, with whom they might want to do research.
(Faculty: Merrill Elias, William Farthing, Colin Martindale, Mike Robbins, Alan
Rosenwasser, Laurence Smith {Coordinator}.
This program offers graduate training with an emphasis on both basic and applied
social psychology at the Doctoral level as a means of preparing future social
psychologists for careers in academic institutions and/or applied settings.
(This program does not normally accept individuals for a master’s degree only
in this area.) Faculty interests include such areas as personality, social cognition,
interpersonal attraction, sex differences and the psychology of women and men,
intergroup relations, stereotyping and social conflicts. (Faculty: Alexander,
The Clinical Psychology Training Program prepares students for the doctorate
(Ph.D.) in psychology and for careers combining clinical practice with research.
The program is accredited by the American Psychological Association and adheres
to the scientist-practitioner model.
An academic core provides the foundation of knowledge in the areas of general
and experimental psychology as well as personality, psychotherapy, psychopathology,
assessment, professional issues and ethics, and clinical research methods. Clinical
training is centered around course work, individual tutorials in research, and
clinical experiences conducted by professional models actively engaged in careers
in those areas. Students are given increasing responsibility for the content
and emphasis of their training by being encouraged to sample a wide variety
of training opportunities at the University and in the community. They are encouraged
to articulate career objectives early in training, and to contribute to modifications
in the program to meet their goals. Applicants are urged to match their interests
with those of the clinical, social, developmental, or general psychology faculty
and to specify areas of compatibility. Students in the general track receive
training from a generalist perspective. The developmental-clinical track is
described below.
The Psychology Department’s Psychological Services Center serves as the primary
practicum training agency with additional practicum experience available at
inpatient, outpatient, community, and hospital settings elsewhere in Maine.
Core training in the traditional areas of clinical psychology is supplemented
with opportunities for innovative approaches to psychotherapy and community
involvement; geographic considerations permit special attention to rural problems.
Ph.D. training culminates with the doctoral dissertation and a full-year internship
in an approved clinical setting. (Faculty: Hecker, Kulberg, Nangle, Sigmon,
Thorpe, Zeman)
The developmental-clinical track offers joint training in developmental and
clinical psychology, resulting in eligibility for licensing as a clinical psychologist
with expertise in child psychology. Students complete core programs in clinical
and developmental psychology, in addition to the practicum, internship, and
dissertation requirements of the traditional clinical program.
Facilities for experimental and clinical research include laboratories for
the study of animal behavior, operant conditioning, social psychology, behavioral
gerontology, and anxiety disorders. There are also rooms designed for observation
and audio-visual recording of behavior, as well as an electrically-shielded
room for electro-physiological recordings. The department also operates a Pre-school
Child Study Center for instructional and research purposes. Research opportunities
are also provided through faculty affiliation with the Exceptional Child Research
Institute and the University Affiliated Program at Eastern Maine Medical Center.
Joel A. Gold, Ph.D. (Colorado State, 1966), Professor and Chair. Interpersonal
attraction (love, equity, jealousy); authoritarianism.
Michelle G. Alexander, Ph.D. (Texas A&M, 1996), Assistant Professor.
Intergroup relations; stereotyping; social conflicts.
Merrill F. Elias, Ph.D. (Purdue, 1963), Professor. Neurobiological correlates
of hypertension, age, and cardiovascular disease; behavioral-cardiovascular
epidemiology and aging.
Cynthia A. Erdley, Ph.D. (University of Illinois, 1992), Associate Professor.
Social development, children’s peer relationships, children’s social-cognitive
G. William Farthing, Ph.D. (Missouri, 1969), Professor. Decision-making,
risk-taking behavior, intrinsic motivation.
Elaine S. Gershman, M.Ed. (Maine, 1965), Associate Professor Emerita.
School readiness; the pre-school exceptional child; cognitive dimensions of
friendship in the pre-school child.
Donald S. Hayes, Ph.D. (Iowa, 1975), Associate Professor. Mass media
effects in children; children’s memory functioning; children’s friendships.
Marie J. Hayes, Ph.D. (Northeastern, 1979), Associate Professor. Psychological
determinants of development in infancy; sleep state organizations and sleep
habits; mother-infant attachment.
Jeffrey E. Hecker, Ph.D. (Maine, 1986), Associate Professor. Director
of Psychological Services Center. Anxiety disorders, cognitive behavior therapy,
juvenile sex offending.
Gordon E. Kulberg, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt, 1965), Associate Professor. Process
studies of psychotherapy.
Peter LaFreniere, Ph.D. (Minnesota, 1982), Professor. Director of Child
Study Center. Ethology; developmental psychopathology; attachment and early
peer relations.
Colin Martindale, Ph.D. (Harvard, 1970), Professor. Aesthetics; cognition;
Douglas W. Nangle, Ph.D. (West Virginia University, Morgantown, 1993),
Associate Professor. Child and adolescent peer relations; assessment and treatment
of juvenile sex offenders.
Stanley S. Pliskoff, Ph.D. (New York, 1956), Professor Emeritus. Psychology
of music; learning; history of psychology.
Alan M. Rosenwasser, Ph.D. (Northeastern, 1980), Professor. Mechanisms
and functions of circadian and other biological rhythms.
Richard M. Ryckman, Ph.D. (SUNY, Buffalo, 1968), Professor Emeritus.
Individual differences in competitive attitude, physical self-efficacy, and
locus of control; physique stereotyping; health psychology, and sport psychology.
Sandra T. Sigmon, Ph.D. (North Carolina at Greensboro, 1989), Associate
Professor, Director of Clinical Training. Seasonal affective disorder; depression;
coping with stress and health-related problems; gender issues in psychopathology.
Laurence D. Smith, Ph.D. (New Hampshire, 1982), Associate Professor.
History and philosophy of psychology; psychology of science; intuitive statistics;
perception of graphs.
William F. Stone, Ph.D. (Florida, 1963), Professor Emeritus. Political
psychology, humanistic and authoritarian personality, attitudes and ideology.
D. Alan Stubbs, Ph.D. (George Washington, 1967), Professor. Teaching
Interests: perception, animal behavior, and learning. Research interests: picture
perception, perception of graphs, multimedia.
Geoffrey L. Thorpe, Ph.D., ABBP (Rutgers, 1973), Professor. Cognitive-behavior
therapy; anxiety disorders.
Janice Zeman, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt, 1991), Associate Professor. Child-clinical,
emotional development in children; pediatric psychology.
Jeffrey Aston, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Jonathan Borkum, Ph.D., Faculty Associate
Alan Cobo-Lewis, Ph.D., Cooperating Assistant Professor
Penelope K. Elias, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate and Adjunct Associate
Douglas Ewing, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Margaret Fernald, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Christine Fink, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Bruce Hale, Ph.D., Cooperating Professor
Jerold Hambright, Ph.D. Clinical Associate
Jonathan Heeren, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Anne Hess, Ph.D., Clinical Associate Professor
Keith Houde, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Kenneth Kindya, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Craig Mason, Ph.D., Cooperating Associate Professor
Larissa Mead, Ph.D., Clinical Assistant Professor
David Mills, Ph.D., Faculty Associate
Karen Mosher, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
D. Kimbrough Oller, Ph.D., Cooperating Professor
Philip S. Pierce, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Kevin Polk, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Lucy Quimby, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Susan Righthand, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Robert Riley, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Michael Robbins, Ph.D., Cooperating Associate Professor
Raymond C. Russ, Ph.D., Faculty Associate
Laura Santilli, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Susanne Stiefel, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Cristin Sullivan, Ph.D., Clinical Associate
Christopher Thurber, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor
Shihfen Tu, Cooperating Assistant Professor
Margaret M. Zellinger, Ph.D., Clinical Associate