The graduate program in Resource Utilization is an interdisciplinary program
to train people in the use, development, and conservation of natural resources.
The program is designed to fulfill requirements for the Master of Science degree.
Resources of the Department of Forest Management, The Department of Resource
Economics and Policy, and the Department of Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences
are employed in support of the program. Interdisciplinary in nature, the program
promotes the integration of information needed to solve problems in resource
The student will work under the direction of any of the three cooperating units
(Department of Forest Management, Department of Plant, Soil, and Environmental
Sciences, Department of Resource Economics and Policy.) Candidates will select
an advisory committee chairperson from the unit in which training is to be emphasized.
Normally, at least one member from one of the other two units would be selected
to meet the three-member graduate committee requirement. The student may develop
an interdisciplinary program of study emphasizing the socioeconomic or the biological
and chemical aspects of natural resource management. This could include a broad
range of environmental issues pertaining to soil and water resources, as well
as forested and agricultural ecosystems.
Requirements of the program include a minimum of 30 graduate degree credit
hours, including six credits given for the thesis. In addition to the core courses
required by the academic unit under which the student pursues the M.S. degree
in Resource Utilization, the student is required to take at least one course
from one of the two other cooperating units. A minimum of 12 credit hours (exclusive
of thesis) of 500 and/or 600 level course work also is required.
The program of study is planned by the student in consultation with the advisory
committee. The interests, background courses, and future needs of the student
will be considered in course selection.
Admission to the program of study is by application to the Graduate School.
Recommendation of the department in which the student takes the major portion
of work and the approval of the Director of the Graduate School are required.
Applicants must have received a baccalaureate degree or the equivalent from
an accredited university and must have demonstrated promise to pursue advanced
study in resource utilization. Results of performance in the Graduate Record
Examination must be submitted with other application material.
Professor David B. Field, Department of Forest Management
Associate Professor Susan Erich, Department of Plant, Soil, and Environmental
Assistant Professor Jonathan Rubin, Department of Resource Economics
and Policy.