The M.S. degree in Animal Sciences may be earned for a program of study in
reproductive physiology, animal health, nutrition or management. The Ph.D.
degree may be earned by completing a program of study in Food and Nutrition
Sciences or Biological Sciences. Thesis research constitutes a major portion of
the M.S. and Ph.D. programs. Students are required to take Graduate Seminar (AVS
633). Ph.D. students must present four seminars and M.S. students must present
three seminars. Requirements for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees can be found in the
General Policies and Regulations of the Graduate School elsewhere in this
Students interested in pursuing graduate studies in animal nutrition should
have undergraduate courses in mathematics, physics, organic chemistry,
biochemistry, and quantitative analysis. Training in physiology and biochemistry
is desirable for students interested in animal physiology, and some work in
statistics is desirable for all graduate students.
Graduate students will take many of their formal graduate courses in
supporting departments, depending upon their specific interests and fields of
Graduate students appointed to assistantships in the Animal and Veterinary
Sciences field devote half time to work in the Department. Complete research
facilities are available, including laboratories and animal units, with
opportunities for field tests.
The program also offers a non-thesis Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)
degree in Animal Sciences. Requirements for the M.P.S. are 30 credit hours, of
which at least 15 hours must be 500- and/or 600-level. In addition, each student
will be required to complete a minimum of three hours in an “independent study”
type course within the Department. The M.P.S. student is required to demonstrate
competence in chosen fields of specialization during an oral comprehensive
examination at the completion of his or her program. Courses selected must
include a minimum of 12 credits in the Animal and Veterinary Sciences area of
the Department of Biological Engineering. In addition, a minimum of 12 hours
must be selected in a specialized field of study. The three credit ”independent
study” type course is to be a short-term research-type project. Upon completion
of the project, a written report will be presented to the major professor and a
seminar on the project will be presented to the Animal Science faculty and
Martin R. Stokes, Ph.D. (Glasgow, 1978), Professor and Chair. Ruminant
nutrition, silage preservation and utilization, dietary manipulation to maximize
animal performance and efficiency. Mechanism of action of enzyme-based silage
Robert C. Bayer, Ph.D. (Michigan State, 1972), Professor. Fisheries and
aquaculture nutrition, management and physiology.
Robert C. Causey, Ph.D., D.V.M., (Louisiana State, 1985, University of
Minnesota, 1989), Assistant Professor. Equine reproduction, veterinary
William R. Congleton, Ph.D. (Kentucky, 1977), Associate Professor. Systems
analysis and computer simulation, animal breeding, and factors influencing
Hans Michael Opitz, D.V.M. (Free University of West Berlin, 1964), Associate
Extension Educator. Poultry pathology.
Charles R. Wallace, Ph.D. (Florida, 1986), Associate Professor. Reproductive
efficiency of livestock.
James A Weber, Ph.D., D.V.M., (Idaho, 1992, Washington, 1994), Associate
Professor. Embryo development in livestock, reproductive physiology of horses
and cattle.