Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Financial Information

Click here to view Tuition and Fees: https://umaine.edu/sfs/tuition-and-fees/.

Click here to view Cost of Attendance information: https://umaine.edu/sfs/costs/#tab-oronograduate.


The financial requirements of the University, changing costs, state and legislative action, and

other matters may require an adjustment of these charges and expenses. The University

reserves the right to make such adjustments to the estimated charges and expenses as

necessary in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, up to the date of final registration for a given

academic term. The applicant acknowledges this reservation and agrees to the financial terms

and conditions of the University by the submission of an application or by registration.

All courses at the 500 level and above will be billed at graduate tuition rates. All course work

taken by matriculated and non-degree graduate students will be billed at the graduate rate. This

includes prerequisites and electives, regardless of the level of the course.


Room and Board: Information on the various Room and Board options and rates available for

graduate students can be found at http://umaine.edu/housing/graduate-housing/.


Health Insurance: Health insurance is voluntary and available for all graduate students enrolled

in 6 credit hours or more. For more information on student health insurance requirements go to:

https://umaine.edu/bursar/insurance/. Graduate Assistants are automatically enrolled in student

health insurance; if a graduate assistant does not want to enroll, they must waive their coverage

each year by the start of the fall semester.


Residency Guidelines: There are many factors considered in determining residency for in-

state tuition purposes. No one factor can be used to establish domicile. Rather, all factors and

circumstances must be considered on a case-by-case basis. A domicile or residency

classification assigned by a public or private authority neither qualifies nor disqualifies a student

for University of Maine System (UMS) in-state status.


Eligibility for in-state tuition will be determined at the time of registration when a student applies

to a degree program at any University of Maine System campus. The decision, made by the

Graduate School, shall be made based on information and documentation furnished by the

student as well as other sources available to the University. No student is eligible for in-state

tuition classification until they have become domiciled in Maine, in accordance with University

guidelines. If the student is enrolled full-time in an academic program, as defined by the

University, it will be presumed that the student is in Maine for educational purposes, and that the

student is not in Maine to establish a domicile. A residence established for the purpose of

attending a UMS institution would not, by itself, constitute domicile. The burden will be on the

student to prove that he/she has established a Maine domicile for other than educational

purposes. An individual who has lived in the state of Maine, for other than educational purposes,

one year prior to registration or application to a campus is considered an in-state student.

Military and Dependents

A current member of the United States Armed Forces or a Veteran of the United States Armed

Forces who has been honorably discharged will be billed at the in-state tuition rate. Veterans

must supply a DD214, Certificate of eligibility for the GI bill ® , or Military ID card. Active duty

members must supply a copy of their Military ID card.

In general, dependents of members of the Armed Forces will be granted in-state tuition during

such periods of time as they are on active duty in the state of Maine or if their Military State of

residency is Maine as evidenced by appropriate official documentation. Individuals who have

been granted in-state tuition under these conditions and then cease active duty would continue

to be granted in-state tuition. All dependents using the GI Bill ® are billed at the in-state tuition


GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More

information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government

website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

A student, spouse, or domestic partner of a student, who currently has continuous, permanent

full-time employment in Maine before the student decides to apply for degree status at the

University will be considered in-state for tuition purposes.

A student who is dependent on his/her parent(s) and/or legally appointed guardian (or to whom

custody has been granted by court order) is considered to have a domicile with the parent(s) for

tuition purposes.

In-state tuition is not available to anyone who holds a non-immigrant U.S. visa. If an individual is

not a domiciliary of the United States, they cannot be a domiciliary of the state of Maine.

A student who attended an out-of-state educational institution at in-state tuition rates in the

immediately preceding semester shall be presumed to be in Maine for educational purposes

and not to establish a domicile. Again, the burden will be on the individual to prove that he/she

has established a Maine domicile for other than educational purposes.


Change of Residency Classification To change tuition status, the following procedures are to

be followed:

    1. A “Request for Change in Tuition Status” cover sheet and application must be filed with

        Student Financial Services before the first day of classes for the academic term (fall,

        spring, or summer) for which residency is requested. All applications are prospective.

    2. The Residency Appeal Committee will issue a written decision within 30 days. The

        student will be emailed the Committee’s decision, along with appeal instructions, in the

        event the request is not approved.

        In the event that a designated University official possesses facts or information

        indicating a student’s change of status from in-state to out-of-state, the student shall be

        informed in writing of the change in status and will be given an opportunity to present

        facts in opposition to the change.


New England Regional Student Program

Expanded graduate study opportunities are made available each year to New England residents

through the New England Regional Student Program (RSP), administered by the New England

Board of Higher Education (NEBHE). NEBHE’s Tuition Break RSP program enables thousands

of New England residents to enroll at out-of-state New England public colleges and universities

at a discount. Students are eligible for the RSP Tuition Break when they enroll in an approved

major or program. Depending on the institution in which they enroll, students qualifying for study

under the Program are charged either the institution’s resident tuition or some percentage

above the resident tuition. The University of Maine charges 75 percent above the resident

tuition. Typically, degree programs offered under the Regional Student Program are high-cost,

specialized, professional programs such as forestry, oceanography, hydrology, occupational

therapy, and pharmacology, although general areas of study also are offered.

Requests for detailed information should be directed to the graduate school of participating state

universities. It is essential that students read the individual catalog, since degree nomenclature

differs by institution. Application for enrollment is made directly to the institution, which has sole

authority over admissions. Applicants must clearly indicate, both in their initial inquiries and on

their application forms, that they are seeking admission under the terms of the New England

Regional Student Program. Further information is available from the New England Board of

Higher Education, New England Regional Student Program, 45 Temple Place, Boston, MA

02111, 617-357-9620. Information about qualifying programs can also be found online at



Canadian Resident Tuition Rate

Residents of Canada are assessed reduced tuition equivalent to the resident tuition rate for any

course work taken as a graduate student at The University of Maine.


Invoices and Due Dates

Charges are calculated using pre-registrations, room sign-up information, and data supplied by

the Admissions Office. Billing statements will be available online only. Email notifications

concerning student accounts will be sent periodically to the student’s @maine.edu email

address. Students may view their account statements on Student Self-Service on MaineStreet.

The University expects the student to be financially responsible. All accounts are carried in the

name of the student, regardless of the source of payment. Bills and statements are emailed to

the student, not the parent. All charges are payable in full by the due date on the invoice. After

that, a monthly $50.00 late fee is assessed. The initial due dates are September 15 for the Fall

semester and January 15 for the Spring semester.

Delinquent students will be subject to the following administrative sanctions:

    1. They are prevented from receiving an official certified copy of their transcript and

        diploma without first contacting the Office of Student Financial Services. A reasonable

        payment plan may be required.

    2. They are prevented from registration or pre-registration at any university in the University

        of Maine System.

    3. The University of Maine System or its universities may disclose (directly or through its

        collection agencies) to a credit bureau organization that the student has failed to pay an

        assessed charge.

    4. The University of Maine System or its universities may use in-house collection efforts,

        commercial collection firms, legal services, and the State of Maine Bureau of Taxation

        for collection on the accounts.


Authorized User Access

Students may authorize parents or other third parties to view and pay on their accounts online.

Instructions for adding an authorized user can be found at umaine.edu/bursar/user/.


3rd Party/Sponsor Billing

Once the student receives an invoice, they can use the Anticipated Resources area of Student

Self-Service on MaineStreet to notify the Office of Student Financial Services of any third party


It is the student’s responsibility to provide authorization (purchase order/authorization form) from

the third party/sponsor. The student sends the purchase order/authorization form, which

indicates how much the third party/sponsor will be paying and any payment due for charges not

covered by the third party/sponsor to the Office of Student Financial Services by the due date.

If these items are received by the payment due date shown on the statement, no late fee will be


Please view the following link for detailed 3rd party billing information:



Late Payment Fee

A $50 late payment fee will be assessed each month to students who fail to pay their bills or fail

to notify Student Financial Services of any third party sponsorship or anticipated resources by

the due date. To avoid being charged the late fee, students who have not received a bill should

contact the Office of Student Financial Services.

With the first bill for the fall, spring, and summer semesters, students may use the Anticipated

Resources page of Student-Self-Service on MaineStreet to notify the University of any credits

from other resources that are not shown on the billing statement (i.e. third party/sponsor

payments, waivers/scholarships,loans). Instructions for entering anticipated resources can be

found at https://umaine.edu/bursar/resources/.


Financial Aid Refunds

A credit balance created by the disbursement of financial aid is normally disbursed to the

student by the start of each semester, unless the student has requested that funds be held on

their account. Excess financial aid will be held on accounts if the financial aid award is based on

full-time enrollment and current enrollment is not full-time. Full-time enrollment for graduate

students is 6 or more credits or 1 thesis credit. For more information please visit

http://umaine.edu/bursar/refunds/. Credit balance refunds are available by check through the

mail or direct deposit to a US bank account. Instructions for enrolling in direct deposit are online

at: https://umaine.edu/bursar/directdeposit/.


Refund for Tuition and Fees

Student charges will be adjusted for voluntary withdrawals from the university and for drops

or withdrawals from individual classes in accordance with the schedule and provisions set

forth below.

For refunding purposes the following definitions apply:

    ● “Standard” full semester classes are classes which are scheduled to start during the first

        week of a semester and meet through the end of that semester.

    ● “Non-standard” classes are classes whose starting and ending dates do not coincide

        with the starting and ending dates of the Fall or Spring semester, including all Summer

        University classes. These classes fall into two groups:

        ○ Classes with duration of less than 12 weeks in length.

        ○ Classes with duration of 12 weeks or longer.

    ● The “Drop” period is the time frame a student may drop classes from their schedule

       without academic or financial penalties. For Standard full semester classes, the drop

       period is indicated on the Academic Year Calendar.

    ● Dropping classes is a reduction in a student’s class load during the Drop period while

       remaining enrolled in other classes at any of the University of Maine campuses.

    ● Withdrawing from classes is a reduction in a student’s class load after the Drop period

       while remaining enrolled in other classes at any of the University of Maine campuses.

    ● A “Withdrawal from the University,” either temporary or permanent, involves the student

      withdrawing from all classes at all University of Maine System campuses for which they

      have registered, as well as notifying appropriate administrative officials of their decision

      to leave.

    ● Students who stop attending any or all of their classes without providing official

      notification are not entitled to a refund. If a student ceases attendance for emergency

      reasons, the University will accept a written appeal.


For Dropped Classes:

“Standard” Full Semester Classes:

Drop/Withdrawl Percent of Refund
Prior to the end of the drop period 100%
After the drop period 0%


“Non-standard” classes:

Drop/Withdrawal: Withdrawal on or before the number of days equal to the number of weeks a

class is scheduled. For example, for a six week course, a refund will be granted through the

sixth day at 100%.

After the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled has passed the

refund will be at 0%.


For Withdrawals from the University:

“Standard” Full Semester classes and “Non-standard” classes of 12 weeks or more:

Withdrawal Percent of Refund
Prior to the end of the second week 100%
Prior to the end of the fourth week 75%
Prior to the end of the sixth week 50%
Prior to the end of the eighth week 25%
After the eighth week 0%


“Non-Standard” classes of less than 12 weeks in length:

Withdrawal: Withdrawal on or before the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class

is scheduled. For example, for a six week course, a refund will be granted through the sixth day

at 100%.

After the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled has passed the

refund will be at 0%.


Determination of Attendance

For “standard” full semester classes, the attendance period begins on the opening day of

scheduled university classes, includes weekends and holidays, and ends on the date the

student notifies the Graduate School Office in writing that they are withdrawing.

For “Non-standard” classes, the attendance period begins on the start date of the class as

specified on the class schedule of classes, includes weekends and holidays, and ends on the

date the student notifies the Graduate School Office in writing that they are withdrawing.

These policies are available online at https://umaine.edu/bursar/refund-policies/.


Room and Board Cancellations

For information on room and board cancellation policies, please refer to the University of Maine

Housing Services website: http://umaine.edu/housing/cancellation-fee/.


Involuntary Withdrawals

Consideration for retroactive refunds of tuition and fees for involuntary withdrawals, e.g.

extended illness or military service, will be considered by the University on a case-by-case

basis. Administrative dismissals are not covered by these procedures and thus are not entitled

to refunds of institutional charges.


Statute of Limitations

Appeals for the exception to the established refund practice may be made to the designated

university official. Normally, appeals will be considered up to 90 days after the close of the

semester/session for which the student is claiming a refund. For a typical semester/session the

dates are no later than March 31 (Fall), August 31 (Spring) and November 30 (Summer).

University academic appeals committees hear appeals on academic matters and have no

authority to authorize refunds.


Department of Veteran Affairs “Covered Individual Policy”:

In compliance with United States Code section 3679 of title 38, any individual who is entitled to

educational assistance under Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or

Chapter 33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits will be permitted to attend or participate in the course of

education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the

educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance. A

certificate of eligibility can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department

of Veterans Affairs’ eBenefits website, or a VA form 28-1905 form for Chapter 31 authorization


The University of Maine will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the

denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a

covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s

inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement

funding from the VA under chapter 31 or 33.

This agreement will terminate on the date on which payment from the VA is made to the

institution or 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt

of the certificate of eligibility, whichever date is most beneficial to the covered individual.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More

information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government

website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid Recipients

Federal financial aid regulations require financial aid recipients to make progress toward earning

their degree, maintain specific GPA minimums, and complete the degree within a maximum

timeframe. You can lose eligibility for aid if you are not doing well in your classes and/or

frequently withdraw from classes and/or if it is taking you a very long time to earn your degree. If

you are not meeting the minimum standards, even if you are allowed by your academic dean to

continue your enrollment, you will have to do so without the benefit of financial aid.

Additionally, at this point VA benefits will no longer be certified, until such a time that the

reason for unsatisfactory progress is resolved.

Progress is reviewed once each academic year, normally at the end of the spring semester.

This review includes all attempted coursework, even if the student did not receive financial aid

for some or all of that coursework. Students who are not meeting the minimum standards for

SAP are notified in writing on the MaineStreet Message Center of the loss of eligibility for further

financial aid, effective the following enrollment period.

A grade of D or below does not meet SAP standards.

If a student is dismissed for failure to make SAP, there is no probationary period and no

readmission. The probationary period if implemented will be up to the point where the student

has exceeded the maximum number of C grades.

A copy of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is available online at umaine.edu/stuaid/sap.


Financial Awards and Assistance

School financing may be offered to students through their graduate programs. If financial

support is unavailable, it is the graduate student’s responsibility to identify sources for financial


The University of Maine offers assistantships, fellowships and traineeships. A typical

assistantship appointment will require students to work 20 hours a week. The benefits of these

positions include a monthly stipend, a tuition waiver, and coverage of half of the cost of the

group health insurance plan provided to graduate assistants, fellows and trainees by the

University. All full-time graduate students must provide proof of health insurance. Graduate

assistants, fellows and trainees on the equivalent of half-time appointments and who require

health insurance must enroll in the GA health insurance plan or the International plan (for

international students), or opt out by the start of the fall semester each year.


All applicants who wish to be fully considered for nomination for assistantships, fellowships or

traineeships should have a completed application on file at the Graduate School no later than

January 15 th for the following summer or fall terms. Students should contact their academic unit

directly to inquire about the possibility of securing an assistantship, or to be nominated for any

of the authorized positions offered by the Graduate School. Most awards are highly competitive

and based on academic performance rather than financial need. A student may normally hold

only one assistantship or financial award per year.

The following is a description of financial support opportunities for graduate students.


Graduate Assistantships

Assistantships are awarded by individual departments or offices and are available in most

academic fields which offer a degree program, as well as in such areas as admissions, student

aid, and residence life. Some assistantships and fellowships are also awarded competitively

through the Graduate School each spring for the following academic year. For most

assistantships, up to nine hours of tuition per semester is paid, exclusive of audited and

pass/fail courses, and courses numbered below 400-level. An assistantship does not cover

tuition for audited courses, courses taken as pass/fail when the course also has a graded

option, and courses numbered below 400-level. Students are financially responsible for the

tuition of courses dropped after the add/drop period of that given semester.

Students with an assistantship will be issued a student employee parking permit.

An assistantship also pays for 50% of the premium for the group health insurance plan for

graduate assistants and fellows or the International plan (for international students) offered by

the University. In some cases, a limited amount of tuition for the summer following the academic

year in which the assistantship appointment is effective may also be paid by the sponsoring unit.

Graduate assistants normally devote half-time (20 hours per week) to work activities.

International students cannot work more than 20 hours a week except for during breaks. During

breaks, both domestic and international students can work up to 40 hours/week. Exceptions are

doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy, doctoral students in Psychology who

are taking clinical internships, master’s students in dietetic internships, and graduate students in

their final semester of study. In these instances, one credit may be considered full-time. If an

assistantship continues through the summer, the graduate assistant must register for at least

one graduate credit hour.

Admission to the Graduate School and enrollment in courses is required before an appointment

to a graduate assistantship is processed. Because these assistantships are awarded by the

departments, the student should correspond directly with the appropriate program coordinator

regarding the availability of assistantships.

Graduate assistants are not normally allowed to be employed outside the University of Maine

without permission from their graduate program and the Graduate School.

Announcements of many graduate assistantships are available on the Graduate School’s

website and through the CareerLink site on the Career Center web page. For selected financial

awards and descriptions, see The Graduate School website for full listing.


Chase Distinguished Research Assistantships (CDRA)

Up to ten research assistantships are awarded annually by the Graduate School. The awards

include a monthly stipend, a tuition waiver for up to nine hours per semester exclusive of courses

taken as audit or pass/fail or below 400 level and coverage of 50% of the University’s health

insurance plan. Some receive a tuition waiver during the summer following the academic year of

the award. These awards are made on a competitive basis and involve nomination by the

department of study and submission of a research proposal delineating the research to be

undertaken. Nominations are sought in December-January.


Resident Life Positions

Assistant Community Coordinator positions in the University residence halls are available each year.

The position involves working with students, advising complex governments, programming,

interpreting and enforcing policies and procedures, advising residents and making referrals,

and assisting the Community Coordinator with managing the complex. ACC’s receive a stipend,

an apartment for the academic year, and a meal plan for themselves while the University is in

session, plus tuition up to 18 hours per year. The selection process begins in February so

applicants are encouraged to apply early. A limited number of resident assistant positions

and internship positions are also available through Residence Life. For information on

application procedures, contact Residence Life Room 315, 5748 Memorial Union Orono,

Maine 04469-5748 telephone, 207/581-4801.


Atlantic Provinces Graduate Scholarships

Three scholarships, which pay up to 18 hours of tuition per academic year, are available on

a competitive basis to graduates of higher education institutions in the Atlantic Provinces and

Quebec. Applicants interested in being nominated for this award should consult their department.

Nominations are sought in January-February. The award may be continued beyond the first year

if the student remains in good standing and is re-nominated by their program coordinator.


Graduate Trustee Tuition Scholarships

Fifteen to twenty scholarships, which pay up to 18 hours of tuition per academic year,

are available annually on a competitive basis to students enrolled in graduate programs.

Scholarship recipients must be full-time students and may register for up to nine hours of

credit each semester. The Graduate School requests nominations from the departments in

January-February. Interested students should seek nomination through their departments of study.


Thurgood Marshall Scholarships

At least two scholarships which pay up to 18 hours of tuition are available to graduate students

whose socioeconomic background, prior academic or work experience, and/or graduate educational

interests would bring a unique perspective to the University of Maine community. Preference for

these scholarships is given to individuals from groups that have been traditionally underrepresented

in specific programs at The University of Maine. Scholarship recipients must be full-time students and

may register for up to nine hours of credit each semester. The Graduate School requests nominations

from departments in January-February. Interested students should seek nomination through their

departments of study. Federally Funded Traineeships and Fellowships. Subject to the availability of federal

funds, federal traineeships and fellowships are available to graduate students in some programs such

as special education, social work, nursing, biological sciences, communication sciences and

disorders, and clinical psychology. Students should inquire in their field of interest.


Janet Waldron Doctoral Research Fellowships (formerly UMDRF)

The Janet Waldron Doctoral Research Fellowships are open to all doctoral students, regardless of discipline

and designed to stimulate research and scholarship at UMaine as measured by research

productivity and doctoral-degree graduation rate. Therefore, successful applicants must

explicitly address how fellowship support would result in an overall increase in research

productivity. The fellowship is intended to provide doctoral students with up to two years (24

months) of support with a stipend of $25,000 per year and coverage of 1 credit or more of tuition

per semester and 50% of the University’s group health insurance plan to provide financial

support through the completion of their degrees. Nominations are sought in December.

Susan J. Hunter Teaching Assistantships. Up to four Hunter teaching assistantships are

awarded annually for the spring semester to doctoral students who have passed their

comprehensive exams and who intend to enter the professoriate. The Hunter award provides

one half of the annual minimum graduate stipend, one credit of graduate tuition, and 50% of the

one-semester health insurance premium for graduate assistants, if the student is not already

enrolled in the insurance program. Hunter assistants teach one undergraduate course as the

sole instructor, under the mentorship of the normal course instructor, and must attend at least 3

graduate student professional development workshops. The student’s mentor or another

graduate faculty member of the student’s unit must teach a 1-3 credit graduate course that

otherwise would not be offered. These awards are made on a competitive basis and involve

nomination by the department of study and submission of a plan delineating both the course to

be taught by the student and the graduate course to be taught by a unit member. Nominations

are sought in the spring semester for the following spring.


Summer Dissertation Fellowships

Dissertation writing fellowships are open to doctoral students who have passed their comps and

are actively writing their dissertations. Depending on number of applicants, the Graduate School

will consider master’s students who have completed four semesters of study and are actively

engaged in writing a thesis, but preference will be given to doctoral students. Each fellow will

receive an office in Stodder Hall and a $1,833 monthly stipend at the end of June, July, and August.

Offices will be equipped with desk, chair, and a large table. Fellows are expected to spend at least

5 hours a day, five days a week using the offices to work on their dissertations; however, they may

not live in these rooms. Other Fellowships may be available through individual departments or units.

For example, the Canadian-American Center offers several fellowships for graduate students pursuing

study of a regional nature involving New England, the Atlantic Provinces of Canada, and Quebec.

Students should inquire in their field of interest.


Student Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Services administers several financial aid programs to help

University of Maine graduate students finance their education. Office staff award, process, and

disburse financial aid for University of Maine students, and advise students and their families,

the campus community, and the general public on issues related to financial aid. Our advisors

are available via phone and on a walk-in basis from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through

Thursday, and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All correspondence concerning financial aid

should be addressed to the Office of Student Financial Services, 5781 Wingate Hall, Orono, ME

04469-5781. For assistance with the application process or other questions about financial aid,

contact the office at (207)-581-1324 or via e-mail at um.sfs@maine.edu.


Applying for Financial Aid

To determine the amount and types of assistance each student can receive, students are

required to apply for financial aid. The University of Maine requires only one financial aid

application: the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students must apply for

financial aid each year at fafsa.gov.

Once the student’s FAFSA is complete, a financial aid award will be made available to the

student. The student should accept (or decline) each type of aid offered and follow all

instructions to ensure continued processing and disbursement of funds to the student’s account.


Eligibility for Financial Aid

To be eligible for most types of Federal, State and University financial aid, each student must:

● be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen

● have earned a high school diploma or G.E.D.

● be offered admission to a University of Maine degree program

● not be in default on a previous Federal educational loan program

● continue to be in good academic standing

● continue to make satisfactory progress toward a degree (see Satisfactory Academic

Progress for Financial Aid Recipients).


Most types of financial aid require at least half-time enrollment in order to be eligible. Full-time

registration for a graduate student is normally defined as six or more degree hours per

semester; part-time status is three to five credit hours per semester. Doctoral students who

have been admitted to candidacy, psychology and human nutrition students on approved

internships, and students in their final semester of study may maintain full-time enrollment

status by registering for a minimum of one thesis or internship credit. Students enrolled in

summer session are eligible for aid. However, for students taking one credit, overall financial aid

eligibility is less than the eligibility for a graduate student enrolled for 6 or more credit hours due

to the reduced cost of tuition and fees.


Financial aid is initially awarded based upon the assumption of full time enrollment regardless of

official University status. Each student’s enrollment level is verified at the end of the Add/Drop

period each semester; financial aid eligibility is recalculated, and awards are adjusted if

necessary. The student is notified by email if their financial aid award changes. Students

participating in cooperative employment programs, practicums, internships and field experience

may not be eligible for financial aid unless they are enrolled at least half time.

Federal, State and University financial aid programs are not available for non-degree

enrollment. Some lending institutions offer loan programs to students who are currently taking

classes in non-degree programs. Further information is available upon request.

Early registration for classes, including enrollment for Thesis Credits, helps ensure timely

processing and disbursement of financial aid funds.


Federal Financial Aid Programs

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans are funded through the federal government and are

awarded to students enrolled in a degree program at least half-time who have applied for

federal financial aid through the FAFSA. Graduate students are typically allowed to borrow up to

$20,500 in a Direct Unsubsidized Loan per year. As of July 1, 2012, graduate students are no

longer eligible for Direct Subsidized Loans. Actual eligibility may be less than the annual

maximum depending upon enrollment level and the amount of all other financial educationally-

related assistance, if any. Students must accept the Federal Direct Loan via MaineStreet. More

information is available at www.umaine.edu/stuaid/loans/stafford/.


Repayment of principal is deferred on unsubsidized loans while a student is enrolled at least

half time. Interest rates are fixed each academic year and are available on our website at

https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans/subsidized-unsubsidized. Interest begins to

accrue or can be paid by the student immediately after disbursement on any unsubsidized loan.

Any break in continuous enrollment, such as a leave of absence, will result in the student

entering into the 6-month grace period, and repayment could begin before the student re-enrolls

in a degree program at least half-time.


First-time borrowers of a Federal Direct Loan must complete a Master Promissory Note and

Entrance Counseling before loan proceeds will be released. To complete the requirement, visit

fafsa.gov. Students who have borrowed previously and completed these requirements at

another college or university should contact the Office of Student Financial Services.

Financial Awards and Assistance


In addition to FAFSA-based financial aid eligibility, the University of Maine also offers

assistantships, fellowships and traineeships. All applicants who wish to be considered for

nomination for assistantships, fellowships or traineeships should have a completed application

on file at the Graduate School no later than January 15 th for the following summer or fall terms.

Students should contact their academic department directly to inquire about the possibility of

securing an assistantship, or to be nominated for any of the authorized positions offered by the

Graduate School. Most awards are highly competitive and based on academic performance

rather than financial need. A student may normally hold only one assistantship or financial

award per year.


Other Sources of Funding

Scholarships may be available from the student’s academic department or from outside

scholarship agencies, to which the student applies directly, and do not have to be repaid. We

recommend reviewing Scholarship Universe, which can be accessed at


Payment Plans give students the option of making installment payments of part or all of the

amount due to the University of Maine. For more information visit

www.umaine.edu/bursar/payment-options and click on Installment Payment Plan, or contact the

Office of Student Financial Services at (207)-581-1324.

Credit-Based Loan Programs are available through the Federal Direct PLUS loan program

and various lending institutions throughout the United States. Please visit the Office of Student

Financial Services website at www.umaine.edu/stuaid/types-of-aid/loans for more information

on Direct Plus and alternative loans.


Changes to Financial Aid Awards

Changes to awards can occur even after a financial aid award has been offered, and aid can be

retracted even after it has been posted to a student’s account. Students are notified by email

any time their financial aid award is adjusted. Changes to awards may be necessary at any time

during the academic year due to any or all of the following circumstances:

● changes in enrollment level each semester

● auditing a course

● withdrawal from all classes

● discontinued attendance in classes

● corrections and updates to original application data

● receipt of additional information affecting continued eligibility

● changes in housing plans

● changes in residency status

● changes in student and/or family circumstances

● receipt of additional assistance and/or scholarships

● changes in Satisfactory Academic Progress status

Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Financial Services to discuss the

impact on their financial aid eligibility before their status changes.


Financial Aid for Summer Session

Summer Session is the end of the University’s academic year. To be eligible for Summer

Session financial aid, students must have applied for federal financial aid for the previous year

and enroll in a minimum of one credit. Generally, financial aid is limited to any remaining

Federal Direct Loan eligibility.

Federal Work-Study may also be available and requires a separate application, which is

available early in the Spring Semester and must be turned in prior to the deadline listed on the

application. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Financial Services to

request further information. The best time to discuss specific eligibility is midway through the

spring semester and after the student is pre-registered for the summer.


Withdrawal from All Classes

If a student withdraws from the University after the semester begins, federal regulations

stipulate that financial aid eligibility must be re-evaluated and prorated based on the portion of

the semester the student completed. Eligibility for continued deferment of any prior loans is also

affected. Any potential refund of tuition and fees from the University may be retained to repay

financial aid programs before any reimbursement may be made to the student. In some cases,

the student may be required to repay some or all financial aid funds previously disbursed to

them. Students considering withdrawing from all classes must contact the Graduate School,

which will collaborate with the Office of Student Financial Services to determine the impact of

the withdrawal on financial aid. A copy of the withdrawal policy is available in the Office of

Student Financial Services.


Institutional (Unofficial) Withdrawal

Federal regulations require that the Office of Student Financial Services determine the last date

of attendance for an academic related activity for all students who discontinue class attendance.

For those students who do not officially withdraw, the mid-point of the semester may be used as

the official withdrawal date. Once a withdrawal date has been determined, charges and financial

aid will be recalculated based on this date. Please be aware that as a result of this action,

financial aid funds may be adjusted and money may be owed to the University. You will be

notified of any change. A copy of this policy is available in the Office of Student Financial



Special Circumstances

Special circumstances, such as leaving full-time employment to pursue a graduate degree,

changes in spousal employment, loss of a benefit or other type of income, changes in marital

status, or unexpected/unusual costs, including medical expenses, should be brought to the

attention of the staff of the Office of Student Financial Services. Students may meet with an

advisor or contact the Office of Student Financial Services at (207)-581-1324 to discuss their



Limits on Financial Aid Eligibility

Most University of Maine students will have enough financial aid eligibility to complete a

graduate degree, but limits do exist and eligibility is impacted by academic performance. To

maintain eligibility for financial aid, each student must make progress toward a degree

according to the University’s Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients

Policy, measured in three areas: Grade Point Average (GPA), successful completion of credit

hours attempted, and length of time it takes to reach degree completion.

The Federal Direct Loan program places aggregate limits on the total amount that may be

borrowed by any student. These limits are specified by Federal Student Aid on their website at



Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Graduate Financial Aid Recipients

Federal financial aid regulations require financial aid recipients to make progress toward earning

their degree, stay above specific GPA minimums and to complete the degree within a maximum

time-frame. You can lose eligibility for aid if you are not doing well in your classes and/or

frequently withdraw from classes and/or if it is taking you a very long time to earn your degree. If

you are not meeting the minimum standards, even if you are allowed by your academic dean to

continue your enrollment, you may have to do so without the benefit of financial aid. If

applicable, at this point VA benefits will no longer be certified, until such a time that the

reason for unsatisfactory progress is resolved.

Progress is reviewed once each academic year, normally at the end of the spring semester.

This review includes all attempted coursework, even if the student did not receive financial aid

for some or all of that coursework. Students who are not meeting the minimum standards for

Satisfactory Academic Progress are notified in writing on the MaineStreet Message Center of

the loss of eligibility for further financial aid, effective the following enrollment period.

If a student is dismissed for failure to make SAP, there is no probationary period and no

readmission. The probationary period if implemented will be up to the point where the student

has exceeded the maximum number of C grades.

A copy of the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy is available in the Office of Student

Financial Services, as well as on the Office of Student Financial Services website at



Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Procedure

Every student has the right to appeal upon notification of loss of financial aid eligibility due to

lack of academic progress. Appeals are considered by a committee and must be made in

writing. The Graduate Appeal Form and policy can be found at umaine.edu/stuaid/sap. All

appeals should be submitted along with appropriate supporting documentation to the Chair of

the Satisfactory Progress Appeal Committee, Office of Student Financial Services, 5781

Wingate Hall, Orono, ME 04469-5781. Students are notified of the result of the appeal by letter.


Questions about the policy or the appeal procedure can be referred to the Office of Student

Financial Services at (207)-581-1324.


Department of Veteran Affairs “Covered Individual Policy”

In compliance with United States Code section 3679 of title 38, any individual who is entitled to

educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or chapter

33, Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits will be permitted to attend or participate in the course of

education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the

educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance. A

certificate of eligibility can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department

of Veterans Affairs’ eBenefits website, or a VA form 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization


The University of Maine will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the

denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a

covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s

inability to meet their financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement

funding from the VA under chapter 31 or 33.

This agreement will terminate on the date on which payment from the VA is made to the

institution or 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt

of the certificate of eligibility, whichever date is most beneficial to the covered individual.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More

information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government

website at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.