Oct 16, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog


Consideration for admission to the Graduate School will be given to applicants holding a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, or the equivalent. Applicants for admission must present evidence that they have had the necessary academic preparation to enable them to pursue the graduate program for which they are applying. The Graduate School has no fixed minimum grade point average requirement for admission; however, the applicant should have a strong undergraduate record. Students who have undertaken graduate work at another institution must be in good standing at that institution to be eligible for admission to the University of Maine.

Specific requirements and deadlines for admission differ by program, as described elsewhere in this catalog. Applicants should consult with the program’s graduate coordinator to confirm that all departmental admission requirements have been met. All material submitted as part of an application receives careful consideration. Contact the Graduate School for further information concerning general admission criteria.


Application Procedures

An applicant for admission must submit the following materials directly to the Graduate School, 5775 Stodder Hall, Room 42, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5775.

  • An application for admission submitted electronically
  • An official transcript from each institution attended, showing the grades earned in all of the applicant’s previous academic work (graduate and undergraduate), and degree(s) earned.  International transcripts, if not in English, must have an official translation, either from the institution or a public company such as World Education Services.  (WES.org)
  • Letters of recommendation from persons in a position to judge the applicant’s preparation for and ability to undertake graduate study (e.g. previous instructors or co-workers). Individual programs may waive this requirement. Letters should be sent directly by the writer to the Graduate School through the online form request portal. Online submission of recommendation letters through the online Graduate School’s graduate application is preferred.
  • A non-refundable application fee.
  • Official report of scores achieved on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Exceptions to this requirement are as follows: Applicants to the MBA program must submit scores on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) in lieu of the GRE. The Graduate School does not require GRE, but some programs do.  Many of the University of Maine master’s degree programs will waive the test score requirement.  Please consult the individual department web site pages. Contact information is listed on the Graduate School’s website under “Programs”. Applicants to the Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) programs in Education and the Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) in Nursing are also excluded from the test score requirement. Applicants to the Master of Music program must take departmental entrance exams in lieu of the GRE.  In limited cases, Graduate Record Examination scores may not be required for admission to certain doctoral programs for those students who hold a recent master’s degree requiring a thesis from an accredited university. 
  • Official report of scores achieved on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required for all international applicants whose native language is not English. The Graduate School requires a minimum score of 80 on the iBT TOEFL or equivalent. To be awarded a Teaching Assistantship, applicants must have achieved a 92 on the iBT TOEFL or equivalent. Applicants with iBT TOEFL scores below 80 or equivalent will be required to take English language training. IELTS, Pearson PTE Academic English and DuoLingo proficiency scores are accepted on a case-by-case basis.  (IELTS: Minimum 6.5 for admission and minimum 7.0 to receive a teaching assistantship; Pearson: Minimum 55 for admission and minimum 65 to receive a teaching assistantship; DuoLingo: Minimum 105 for admission and minimum 110 to receive a teaching assistantship).

All application materials become part of the permanent records of the University and will not be returned.

Fall applicants who wish to be considered for assistantships or fellowships should submit an application and all supporting materials no later than January 15th of that year. All programs set their own individual application deadlines, and some are earlier than January 15th, so please check with your program’s website or the graduate coordinator. A list of graduate programs, with website links and contact information for graduate coordinators is available here. Some programs admit students in the Fall only, or may have other deadlines; such deadlines are noted in the program description section of the catalog.

When the application and all required supporting materials have been received, the application is reviewed by faculty members of the appropriate program. This review is normally conducted by an admissions committee, composed of graduate faculty members, which makes recommendations to the Graduate School concerning the admission of applicants to the program. Upon receiving the committee’s recommendation, the Graduate School reviews the applicant’s file. After making the final decision, the Graduate School will inform the applicant of the action taken.  Admissions decisions when made may also be viewed on the Graduate School’s application portal. 

The timing of admissions decisions varies by program. Consult the graduate coordinator in your program to check admission status.

Immunization Law

Maine Law requires all degree-seeking students and full-time, non-degree students born after December 31, 1956 to provide proof of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus and diphtheria with the Office of Student Records. Failure to provide your immunization documents may effect your eligibility to enroll in classes, your financial aid, your housing and other academic areas.  For complete information regarding the required immunization documentation and submission process, visit studentrecords.umaine.edu/home/records/immunizations-information/

Types of Admission

Regular admission is granted to students whose academic records and supporting documents indicate they are qualified to undertake graduate study in their chosen fields.

Tentative admission is granted to a student admitted during the final year of undergraduate work. Admission on this basis is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the undergraduate program and submission of a complete, final transcript showing receipt of the degree.

Provisional admission is granted to a student who has not yet met all the prerequisites for admission to graduate study in the academic field. Prerequisite and elective courses must be included as part of the student’s program of study.

Conditional admission may be granted to a student whose academic record may not meet all established academic requirements but suggests promise for success in graduate study. Conditional admission is equivalent in every way to regular admission with the single exception that students may not receive graduate assistantships or fellowships. In order to be removed from conditional status a student must maintain the same level of academic excellence expected of all graduate students. Specifically, to be removed from condition, a student must earn grades of “A” or “B” in his or her first nine hours of graduate credit in order to continue graduate study.

Certificate admission. All students applying to graduate certificate programs must submit a certificate application to the Graduate School prior to completion of 50% of the required coursework. Certificate students must also send a transcript indicating completion of a bachelor’s degree. Additional credentials may be required for certain programs. Please refer to the website, https://umaine.edu/graduate/programs/

Non-degree admission. All students enrolling in 500-and 600-level courses, regardless of whether or not they intend to receive graduate degree credit for course work, must apply for non-degree graduate admission, and will be billed at graduate rates for all classes taken at any level. Proof of an earned baccalaureate degree is required if the degree was not earned within the University of Maine System. Non-degree status is good for one calendar year. International students must also provide a minimum iBT TOEFL score of 80 or equivalent for non degree status.

Visiting student admission. An international student in good standing in another recognized graduate school who wishes to enroll for a limited number of course credits, and who plans to resume work at the school of original admission, may be admitted as a visiting graduate student. Admission is granted through submission of a “Visiting Graduate Student Application” signed by an official of the Graduate School in which the student is enrolled. International students who apply this way must document finances and have a minimum iBT TOEFL score of 80 or equivalent.

Readmission to the Graduate School

A student previously admitted to the Graduate School who has failed to maintain continuous enrollment and who wishes to resume graduate work must file an “Application for Readmission to the Graduate School” and pay the appropriate readmission fee.

The student’s readmission must be recommended by the program involved and approved by the Graduate School. An applicant for readmission will not necessarily have preference over new applicants, and will be treated in the same manner as an applicant for initial admission. Any student readmitted to Graduate School will be governed by policies listed in the Graduate Catalog and departmental handbook for the year of readmission.

International Applicants

The University welcomes applications from graduates of institutions of higher education in other nations. Prospective students are urged to begin the application process as early as possible. In addition to the material required of all applicants, applicants from non-English speaking countries must furnish proof of their proficiency in English by submitting scores achieved on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) administered by the Educational Testing Service.

International transcripts, if not in English, must have an official translation, either from the institution or a public company such as World Education Services.  WES.org

Arrangements for taking this examination should be made directly with the Educational Testing Service, Box 899, Princeton, NJ 08541 or ets.org. The Graduate School requires a minimum score of 80 on the iBT TOEFL or equivalent. To be awarded a Teaching Assistantship, applicants must have achieved a 92 on the iBT TOEFL or equivalent. TOEFL scores may be waived if the applicant has attended and received a degree from an English speaking institution. IELTS. (IELTS: Minimum 6.5 for admission and minimum 7.0 to receive a teaching assistantship; Pearson: Minimum 55 for admission and minimum 65 to receive a teaching assistantship; DuoLingo: Minimum 105 for admission and minimum 110 to receive a teaching assistantship).  The University of Maine offers ESL instruction for international students seeking conditional admission in order to study English in the U.S. prior to beginning their graduate studies (see: umaine.edu/iei/).

Health insurance is required of all international students and dependents residing in the U.S. Health insurance may be purchased through the University. Students with comparable insurance coverage must provide proof of acceptable coverage.  Please visit the Office of International Programs website for more information on international health insurance. 

Financial aid from The University of Maine and is awarded competitively. Students not receiving university support must provide proof of sufficient funds to meet all expenses while studying in the United States. Further information about funding for international students is found in the catalog section on Financial Awards and Assistance.

The Clery Act
The Clery Act requires universities to disclose three-year statistics regarding campus crime, including public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. This report includes our policies for campus security, such as those concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by accessing the following website, umaine.edu/security or obtain a paper copy upon request by contacting the Police Department, University of Maine, 81 Rangeley Road, Orono, ME 04469-5794 or by calling 207-581-4040.

Students are strongly encouraged to register (enroll) for classes as early as possible.  Otherwise, the student may experience delays in making housing arrangements, obtaining library access, and other matters requiring identification. Registration for classes is also required before students may be appointed as graduate assistants and may enroll in the student or GA health insurance policies.

Graduate students may register for classes themselves using student self-service in Maine Street, or register through the administrative specialists in their respective departments. The Graduate School can register students, the two pre-registration periods for matriculated graduate students are in the Fall and Spring semesters.

For first time registrations, new students must contact their advisor for initial advising. If the student has not been assigned an advisor, the graduate coordinator of the department may advise him/her on course selection. If a new student does not complete class registration before classes begin, the advisor or graduate coordinator should complete a registration form and send it to the Graduate School to guarantee that the student has been formally matriculated.

Add/drop deadlines are set by the Office of Student Records and must be strictly followed. The University enforces these deadlines and students are financially responsible for courses dropped after the add/drop period.

Graduate assistants must maintain full-time registration status (usually six or more credit hours per semester) while they hold an assistantship.  Recipients of some fellowships and scholarships are required to register for at least nine degree hours each semester. Students holding assistantships in the summer must register for at least one graduate credit hour. All graduate assistants, fellows, and trainees earning a half-time equivalent stipend ($1,833.33 month) must purchase the University’s health insurance or provide proof of insurance coverage.

The assistantship will not cover tuition for courses audited, courses taken as pass/fail when the course also has a graded option, and courses numbered below 400-level. You are financially responsible for the tuition of courses dropped after the add/drop period of that given semester.

Beginning on the first day of classes each semester, there is a five-day period during which a student may add or drop a course, change divisions of a course, or change credit status. Courses may be dropped without penalty only during the official add-and-drop period. Consult the Graduate School and/or department for registration and add-and-drop procedures. Failure to properly drop a course may result in tuition charges to the students account.  Graduate Assistants are financially responsible for the tuition of courses dropped after the add/drop period of that given semester.

Continuous Enrollment
Continuous enrollment means every graduate student admitted for full-time study is required to register each fall and spring semester for at least 6 credit hours except as noted in the “General Policies and Regulations” of the Graduate School website. Full-time students must register each semester from the time of the first enrollment in the Graduate School until the completion of all requirements for the graduate degree, including filing the thesis or dissertation and passing the final oral examination.

A graduate student who has been admitted on a part-time basis is required to enroll and register at least once every 12 months from the time of first registration in the Graduate School until the completion of all requirements for the graduate degree. All students must also be registered in the semester in which they receive their degrees.

Course work included in a student’s program of study taken at a campus other than The University of Maine may satisfy the continuous enrollment requirement, provided the student’s University of Maine advisor and the Graduate School have approved the registration in advance and in writing (see Away Registration below).

A student who fails to maintain continuous enrollment is considered inactive and must apply for readmission to the Graduate School in order to resume work on a graduate degree.

Leave of Absence
Degree students who will not be taking classes must apply for on-leave status. Failure to file for on-leave status results in broken enrollment, and the student must apply for readmission to finish his or her degree. The time spent officially on leave does not count in the time limits for earning degrees. Students may not register as graduate students while on leave.

Additional Policy Texts for Continuous Enrollment 
At http://gradcatalog.umaine.edu/

Full-time registration for a graduate student is normally defined as six or more degree hours per semester or summer session; part-time status is five hours or less per year. Full-time students are required to register for a minimum of 6 credits each fall and spring semester to maintain active status. In the case of doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy, 1 credit each fall and spring semester is considered full-time. Part-time students are required to register at least once each academic year to maintain active status. Students who need to switch their enrollment status (full-time to part-time or part-time to full-time) should contact their advisor. Doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy, psychology and human nutrition students on approved internships, and students in their final semester of study may maintain full-time enrollment status by registering for a minimum of one thesis or internship credit. Students who have completed at least 6 thesis credits may substitute UGR 501 for the thesis registration requirement and still be considered full-time.  Registration for a minimum of one thesis credit during the summer session also satisfies the requirement for registration as a graduate student.

Away Registration
A student may arrange to study at another institution after being admitted as a graduate student at the University of Maine. This study may be undertaken at another campus in the University of Maine System or another accredited institution within or outside of the state of Maine. Such arrangements must, however, be approved by the student’s advisor and by the Graduate School prior to registration in the course. The Domestic Study Away Registration form, which is available from the Graduate School website, should be used. The conditions for transfer shall comply with basic transfer policy and may not exceed 50 percent of the student’s entire course work for the degree. Away registration for credit will also satisfy the continuous enrollment requirement. It is particularly important that students receiving financial aid fill out the Domestic Study Away Registration form. Failure to do so may stop receipt of financial aid funds.

Summer Session
The University offers the opportunity to pursue graduate studies during the summer. Although many graduate-level courses are offered during the summer session, the University does not guarantee that any particular course will be offered. Details regarding courses offered may be found at Summer University.

The availability of individual faculty members to supervise research or to participate in final oral examinations during the summer session varies. Graduate students should determine, in advance, whether the members of their advisory committee will be available during a particular summer session.

600-Level Courses
Enrollment in 600-level courses is limited to graduate students admitted to a degree program; or to those who have received a non-degree admission; or to a student from another recognized school who has been admitted as a visiting graduate student. The instructor is normally the final authority in judging a student’s qualifications to take a particular course. In the case of 600-level business administration courses, prior approval from the Maine Business School is required, and involves submission of GMAT scores and official transcripts to the MBA program director. Students whose application to the Graduate School is pending may take one graduate level business course without submission of GMAT scores.