Jul 27, 2024  
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Board 2014-2015

Carol Kim, Vice President for Research and Dean of Graduate School

David Neivandt, Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies and Director of Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering

Scott G. Delcourt, Assistant Vice President for Graduate Studies and Senior Associate Dean

Pankaj Agrrawal, Associate Professor of Finance

Andrei Alyokhin, Associate Professor of Applied Entomology

James Beaupre, Innovation Engineer

Samuel Belknap, President of Graduate Student Government

Jason Bolton, Assistant Extension Professor

Timothy Bowden, Assistant Professor of Aquaculture

Sandra Butler, Professor of Social Work

Vincent Caccese, Professor of Mechanical Engineering

John Daigle, Associate Professor of Forest Recreation Management

Michael Day, Associate Research Professor

Jacques Ferland, Associate Professor of History

Nick Giudice, Assistant Professor of Spatial Information Science and Engineering

Will Gramlich, Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Nancy Hall, Associate Professor of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Heather Hamlin, Assistant Professor of Aquaculture

Cindy Isenhour, Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Andrew Knightly, Associate Professor of Mathematics

Karl Kreutz, Professor of Geological Sciences and Climate Change Institute

Roberto Lopez-Anido, Professor of Civil Engineering

George Markowsky, Professor of Computer Science

Stuart Marrs, Professor of Music

James McClymer, Associate Professor of Physics

Susan McKay, Professor of Physics

Sidney Mitchell, Associate Professor of Education

Tsutomu Ohno, Professor Soil Chemistry

Harlan Onsrud, Professor of Spatial Information Science and Engineering

Eric Pandiscio, Associate Professor of Education

Jayendran Rasaiah, Professor of Chemistry, Cooperating Professor of Physics

Andrew Reeve, Professor of Geological Science

Alan Rosenwasser, Professor of Psychology

Jonathan Rubin, Professor of Resource Economics and Policy, Professor in the Margaret Chase Smith Center

James Settele, Director, School of Policy and International Affairs

Mary Shea, Assistant Professor of Nursing

Roger Sher, Assistant Professor of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences

Denise Skonberg, Associate Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition

Jane Smith, Associate Professor of French

Owen Smith, Professor of Art

Michael Socolow, Associate Professor of Communication and Journalism

Peter van Walsum, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Charles Wallace, Associate Professor of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Vince Weaver, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Yifeng Zhu, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering