Sep 20, 2024  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Courses


Animal & Veterinary Sciences

  • AVS 546 - Forage Science and Range Management

    Participants will be introduced to the biological fundamentals needed for understanding and managing forage and grassland resources used to feed livestock and wildlife.


    AVS 446 and 546 cannot both be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3

  • AVS 554 - DNA Sequencing Analysis Lab

    This course will take students from raw DNA sequencing data through quality assurance, through to data interpretation, statistical
    analysis, and presentation of the results as a mock scientific article. A background in microbiology, microbial ecology, or genetics would be beneficial.
    No programming or data analysis experience is required. Students who are performing research may bring their own sequencing data to process in
    class. Students will become familiar with command-line programs and basic computer programming techniques; understand bioinformatics methods
    such as quality trimming, assembling contigs, sequence alignment, using reference databases, and statistical comparisons; gain hands-on experience
    in bioinformatic analysis of DNA sequences using the R platform and its packages; primarily, DADA2, phyloseq, vegan, ggplot2; and be able to apply
    the knowledge gained in class to other sequence types and programs.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing


    Graduate students may bring their own data, or some can be provided.


    AVS 454 and AVS 554 can not both be taken for credit.

    Credits: 2

  • AVS 555 - Animal Nutrition

    An increased efficiency of nutrient use is not only imperative for achieving profitability in the currently globalized livestock markets, but also for the sustainable use of natural resources and climate change mitigation. Considering that around 70% of the costs of raising animals is due to feeding and that global demand for animal products is increasing, understanding the basic foundations of animal nutrition is essential for professionals that work with livestock, poultry, companion animals and wildlife. This course will cover the biochemistry of nutrient use, gastrointestinal physiology and metabolism, feedstuff nutritional analysis, mathematical modelling of nutrient requirements and the life-cycle of feeding animals.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Must have a Graduate standing in animal science or food science and human nutrition or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • AVS 556 - Animal Nutrition Laboratory

    A solid background in applied animal nutrition is key for competitiveness within the animal industry considering that most of the costs of raising an animal comes from feeding. In this course, students will have the opportunity to experience how to sample and process feeds, measure key nutrients, measure feed utilization using animals, simulate digestion processes in the lab and assess the safety and economic viability of conserved feeds.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Must have a Graduate standing in animal science or food science and human nutrition or permission.

    Credits: 1
  • AVS 577 - Zoonoses and Animal Health

    This course focuses on the ecology, evolution and epidemiology of infectious diseases from a One Health perspective that considers wild and domestic animals, public health and ecosystem health.  Core biological principles as well as ecological and social issues will be explored.  The historical and contemporary literature in disease ecology and evolution as it relates to animal health will be reviewed, with an emphasis placed on wildlife and livestock diseases.  Additional topics covered include the factors driving heterogoneity in disease transmission in animal populations, the ecology of disease spillover in wildlife and livestock, host-pathogen evolution, antibiotic resistance, and animal disease management strategies.


    AVS 477 and AVS 577 cannot both be taken for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing.

    Credits: 3

  • AVS 590 - Special Topics in Animal Science

    Anatomy, breeding, diseases, management, nutrition, physiology as related to poultry or dairy.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: Ar
  • AVS 633 - Graduate Seminar in Animal Science

    Instruction in the techniques of, and the opportunity to practice, the oral presentation of scientific information to a critical audience. (Pass/Fail Grade Only.)

    Credits: 1
  • AVS 690 - Graduate Research in Animal Science


    Credits: Ar
  • AVS 699 - Graduate Thesis/Research

    Graduate thesis or research conducted under the supervision of student’s advisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Students who have not yet completed a “Responsible Conduct of Research” course approved by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Graduate School ( must receive permission to enroll in thesis/ research credits. Students must enroll in an RCR course before or concurrent with their third credit of thesis/research.

    Credits: Ar


  • ANT 500 - Advanced Social Theory

    Seminar for students with and without exposure to social science theory at undergraduate level.  Brief, intensive review of basic, undergraduate-level, social theory followed by advanced social theory.  Emphasis on core ideas relevant to environmental policy.  Focus on basic ideas and frameworks rather than minutiae.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing in AEP or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 510 - Climate, Culture, and the Biosphere

    Explores the coupled dynamics of humans and the biosphere through time, from hominid evolution more than 2.5 million years ago to the present era.  Curriculum draws from anthropology, geography, paleoecology, and climate science to inform on the integrated human-environment relationship in the context of global change.  This course is identical to BIO 510.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 521 - Geographic Information Systems l

    Students will build an understanding of the fundamentals of a GIS through lecture, readings, and computer activities.  Students will learn to use a specific GIS software system, ArcGIS, and to define and complete a simple GIS project using existing data.  This computer-intensive course includes a detailed discussion and related computer activities on the following topics: basic geography and map concepts, what a GIS is, data sources, data quality, databases, data classification, vector and raster data, spatial analysis, project management, cartographic communication, projections, datums, coordinates, and ethics.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 522 - Geographic Information Systems ll

    This is an intermediate/advanced course for students who have had some introduction to GIS and wish to pursue applications in the natural and social sciences.  We will focus on grid-based data models for visualization, modeling, and analysis.  Assessment will be based on problem sets, lab work, and a final project.  Readings, assignments, activities, and discussions will cover: The raster data model, generating and working with grid data, georeferencing images and grids, remote sensing technologies and data, visualizing and managing raster data sets, interpolation methods for generating continuous surface data, mathematical operations with grid data for spatial analysis with satellite imagery, evaluating and documenting error and uncertainty, ethics and accountability in spatial analysis, modeling and visualization.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ANT 521 GIS l or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 530 - Human Dimensions of Climate Change

    Multi-disciplinary overview of selected social science topics on humans and climate change. Critical anthropological attention to what this literature overlooks and how these omissions can be dealt with.

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 550 - Anthropological Dimensions of Environmental Policy

    Seminar on basic principles of environmental policy and analysis in both industrialized and Third World societies. Covers policies and institutions of states, local governments and co-management systems. Emphasis on anthropological case studies on the management of key common-pool resources, including fisheries, wildlife, irrigation systems and forests.

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 553 - Governance of the Commons and Global Change

    This course examines different theoretical perspectives on environmental governance though the lens of diverse common pool resources such as forests, fisheries, pastures, water, agricultural systems, and oceans. This course uses comparative perspectives to explore how diverse institutions or embedded cultural practices facilitate the ability of certain societies to self-organize, overcome collective action problems, and avoid a tragedy of the commons at different scales. Provides theoretical insights into challenges and opportunities for commons governance in the context of global capitalism and change. This course is identical to SMS 553

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior or graduate standing or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 555 - Resource Management in Cross-cultural Perspective

    Examines the institutions used to reduce risk and uncertainty in selected societies dependent on renewable resources. Emphasis on fishing societies around the world with some discussion of the utilization of forests and rangeland by different societies. Studies the governance structures used to manage common pool resources including state systems, local level management systems and co-management systems.  This course is identical to SMS 555.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior or graduate standing or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 560 - Research Design and Methods

    This seminar course for graduate students emphasizes the integration of social science theories and methods for the development of research proposals. In this course, students define a research problem, identify a set of research questions or hypothesis, and design a plan of action to carry out their own research. In the process, students become familiar with research ethics, IRB protocols, and suite of methodological tools used by anthropologists and others to produce social science research. In-class discussions allow students to critically assess benefits and limitations of various field methods, qualitative vs. quantitative approaches, and analytical techniques. In-class workshops allow students to discuss their own research ideas on a regular basis with classmates and instructor while turning those ideas into a proposal. By the end of the course, students will have a solid research proposal that can be adapted for submission to various funding agencies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing.

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 564 - Ecological Anthropology

    Comparative study of human populations in ecosystems. Topics include the adaptive nature of culture, implications of the ecological approach for anthropological theory, sociocultural evolution and change, and contemporary problems. Case studies from simple and complex societies.

    ANT 464 and ANT 564 cannot both be taken for degree credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing or permission.

    Credits: 3

  • ANT 566 - Economic Anthropology

    Comparative study of production, consumption and exchange in selected Western and non-Western societies. Emphasis on factors influencing economic decisions in a variety of social and cultural settings.

    ANT 466 and ANT 566 cannot both be taken for degree credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate Standing or permission.

    Credits: 3

  • ANT 576 - Method and Tehory in Archaeology

    The history of and current debates in archaeological method and theory, with a focus on Americanist archaeology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ANT 317, ANT 372.

    Credits: 3
  • ANT 597 - Advanced Topics in Anthropology

    Advanced students study selected topics with a staff member. Credits to be arranged with instructor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate student standing and advanced undergraduates by permission. Departmental approval required.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ANT 598 - Independent Study

    Independent study in Anthropology; specific content, scheduling, and credit hours to be arranged in consultation witht the instructor

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission required.

    Credits: 1-3 variable
  • ANT 699 - Graduate Thesis/Research

    Graduate thesis or research conducted under the supervision of student’s advisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Students who have not yet completed a “Responsible Conduct of Research” course approved by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Graduate School ( must receive permission to enroll in thesis/ research credits. Students must enroll in an RCR course before or concurrent with their third credit of thesis/research.

    Credits: Ar


  • ART 570 - Intermedia Studio I

    Intended to provide an environment for guided independent art/research/production in intermedia.  Emphasis placed on the conceptual and interdisciplinary nature of this art form, awareness and manipulation of traditional art boundaries, and the exploration of non-traditional art media.  This is an advanced graduate-level studio course emphasizing independent levels of work, theoretical engagement in the creative process and an ongoing commitment to individual studio praxis.  May be repeated for credit.   (This course is identical to NMD 570.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing and permission

    Credits: 3
  • ART 597 - Independent Study in Studio Art

    Graduate level independent study in studio art (painting, sculpture, printmaking, drawing), or related areas. Projects must be designed by the student and approved by the graduate instructor in studio art.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission of the instructor.

    Credits: Ar
  • ART 598 - Directed Study in Studio Art

    Graduate level study and research in studio art or related areas directed by a graduate faculty member in studio art.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission of the instructor.

    Credits: Ar

Art Education

  • AED 574 - Topics in Art Education

    Advanced seminar and workshop with research projects in art education and related areas. Specific topic to be announced or arranged. The course may be repeated once for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Art teaching experience.

    Credits: 3
  • AED 597 - Independent Study in Art Education

    Advanced level projects, readings or seminars in art education. Topic and form of study to be determined by the student in consultation with faculty member. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    graduate standing and permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • AED 598 - Directed Study in Art Education

    Structured projects, readings or seminars in art education at an advanced level. Topics and form of study to be determined by the student under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    graduate standing and permission.

    Credits: 3

Art History

  • ARH 597 - Independent Graduate Study

    Entails advanced research and writing projects in the history of art.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate Standing and instructor’s permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • ARH 652 - Critical Methods in History of Art

    Immerses students within the historiography of History of Art, familiarizing them with the philosophical underpinnings, historical context, rhetorical tones, critical vocabularies and intended goals of each investigative strategy. The exploration of the various methodological approaches includes: Connoisseurship, Iconography, Reception Theory, Marxism, Feminism, Deconstruction, Visual Linguistics and perhaps other emerging intellectual frameworks.


    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3

  • ARH 692 - Baroque Research Seminar

    Addresses focused topics within the field of Baroque History of Art such as the development of genre painting, the rise of viewer engagement, visions of the New World, etc. Students will define and research their own individual projects, present them within the forum of the seminar, with the aim of delivering them at a professional conference and bring them to fruition as publishable papers.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ARH 693 - Medieval Research Seminar

    Focus on special topics selected by the instructor in the field of Medieval History of Art.  Students will define and research their own individual projects, present them within the forum of the seminar, with the aim of delivering them at a professional conference and bring them to fruition as publishable papers.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • ARH 694 - Renaissance Research Seminar

    Focus on special topics selected by the instructor in the field of Renaissance History of Art. Students will define and research their own individual projects, present them within the forum of the seminar, with the aim of delivering them at a professional conference and bring them to fruition as publishable papers.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3


  • AST 598 - Special Topics in Theoretical or Experimental Astrophysics


    Prerequisites & Notes
    departmental permission.

    Credits: Ar

Biochemical Engineering

  • BEN 551 - Biological and Medical Image Analysis I

    Introduction to computationsl analysis of imaging data from biological and medical contexts. Math and physics-based algorithmic development and programming skill centered of scripting languages such as ImageJ and R. Development of a term project.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MAT 228, MAT 258 (or MAT 262 & MAT 259) or permission form instuctor.

    Credits: 3
  • BEN 552 - Biological and Medical Image Analysis II

    Advanced computational analysis of imaging data from biological and medical contexts. Math and physics-based algorithmic development and programming centered on scripting languages such as ImageJ/Fiji and R. Development of a term project.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BEN 551 or permission form the instructor.


    In consultation with the instructor, each student will work on the computational analysis/modeling of one or more biomedical image datasets.

    Credits: 3

Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology

  • BMB 502 - Introduction to Bioinformatics

    A multidisciplinary study of fundamental biological questions through the organization, integration and analysis of increasingly large and complex datasets. Topics include primary data repositories, data integration and curation, sequence analysis methods, functional annotation, high-throughput sequence analysis workflows, statistical analysis of gene expression data, clustering methods and modeling biological networks.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 280 or instructor’s permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 530 - Cellular Signal Transduction Mechanisms

    Signal transduction mechanisms used by cells to perceive extracellular messages and to produce proper responses in regulating growth, development and metabolism. (Offered every other year.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMB 460 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 580 - Seminar in Microbiology

    Preparation and presentation of papers dealing with current research in the field of microbiology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Seniors and graduate students only.

    Credits: 1
  • BMB 582 - Seminar in Biochemistry

    Preparation and presentation of papers dealing with current research in the field of biochemistry.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Seniors and graduate students only.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMB 597 - Special Topics in Biochemistry

    A graduate-level readings, lecture, seminar, or laboratory course covering timely topics in Biochemistry. Can be repeated for graduate credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of Instructor.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMB 598 - Special Topics in Microbiology

    Covers selected topics or areas within the field of Microbiology. May be repeated for graduate credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMB 699 - Graduate Thesis/Research

    Graduate thesis or research conducted under the supervision of student’s advisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Students who have not yet completed a “Responsible Conduct of Research” course approved by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Graduate School ( must receive permission to enroll in thesis/ research credits. Students must enroll in an RCR course before or concurrent with their third credit of thesis/research.

    Credits: Ar

Biological Engineering

  • BLE 597 - Advanced Topics in Biological Engineering

    Advanced topics not regularly covered in other BLE courses. Content varies based on instructor interest area. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior or graduate standing; permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BLE 599 - Independent Study in Biological Engineering

    Advanced independent study for qualified students who present suitable projects for intensive investigation in the area of faculty interest. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Senior or graduate standing; permission.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BLE 699 - Graduate Thesis/Research

    Graduate thesis or research conducted under the supervision of student’s advisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Students who have not yet completed a “Responsible Conduct of Research” course approved by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Graduate School ( must receive permission to enroll in thesis/ research credits. Students must enroll in an RCR course before or concurrent with their third credit of thesis/research.


    Credits: Ar

Biological Sciences

  • BIO 501 - Evolutionary Theory and Application

    This course is a graduate-level survey of modern evolutionary theory.  The course emphasizes an understanding of the interplay between different evolutionary forces in wild populations.  Through lecture, student-led discussion, and problem sets students will gain a working familiarity with modern evolutionary theory and practice many of the quantitative approaches used to study evolution in wild populations.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 504 - Advanced Developmental Biology

    Cellular mechanisms of animal development, including fertilization, cell cleavage, cell movement, cellular interactions, extracellular matrix, developmental genetics and cancer.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIO 336 or BIO 438 or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 505 - Professionalism in Biology

    A graduate-level survey of the fundamental principles of professional development, including oral and written communication skills, the roles of mentors and colleagues, professional ethics, career planning and the job application process.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing.

    Credits: 2
  • BIO 510 - Climate, Culture, and the Biosphere

    Explores the coupled dynamics of humans and the biosphere through time, from hominid evolution more than 2.5 million years ago to the present era.  Curriculum draws from anthropology, geography, paleoecology, and climate science to inform on the integrated human-environment relationship in the context of global change.  This course is identical to ANT 510.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing or permission.

    Credits: e
  • BIO 511 - Insect Ecology

    This course covers fundamental concepts in ecology as they appy to insects on population, community, and ecosystem levels. Students will learn about intricate interactions between insects and their environment and about insect contribution to maintaining diversity of life on Earth.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Beginning course in ecology and background in statistics, physiology and entomology or permission.


    This course is taught Spring of odd years.

    BIO 411 and BIO 511 cannot be both taken for credit.

    Credits: 3

  • BIO 512 - Advanced Seminar in Biology

    Readings, presentations, and student-led discussions of recent primary literature in specific areas of biology. Topics vary and may involve both theoretical and applied studies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing or permission of the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BIO 515 - Thermal Ecology-Animals and Climate Change

    This seminar will focus on providing an understanding of the thermal physiology and energetics of animals. Students will become familiar with animal physiology, and the relationships between environmental temperatures, performance, and fitness,  The course will include a tutorial on compiling and interpreting long-term temperature datasets including use of UMaine’s Climate Reanalyzer.  By the end of the course, students will be familiar with the literature and techniques used for predicting the vulnerability of vertebrates to global change using mechanistic physiological models.

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 525 - Community Ecology

    An advanced discussion of the organization of biological communities including community structure, stratification and patterns, niche division and species diversity, competition, predation, community classification and description, biogeography of communities, succession and climax. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIO 319 or equivalent.

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 530 - Biology of the Fungi

    The major taxa of fungi are examined in relation to their ecology and physiology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIO 100 or equivalent and/or a basic ecology course or permission.

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 531 - Fungal Biology Laboratory

    An optional laboratory to accompany BIO 530. Lab 2.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Corequisite: BIO 532.

    Credits: 1
  • BIO 532 - Biology of the Fungi

    Ecology, physiology and classification of the major groups of fungi and their impact on human affairs. Laboratory and fieldwork will emphasize current techniques used to study fungi. (This course is identical to BIO 432.) . Lec 2, Lab 4.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIO 100 and BIO 200 or equivalents or permission.

    Credits: 4
  • BIO 550 - Biogeochemistry of Terrestrial Ecosystems

    Biogeochemical patterns and processes in forest ecosystems. Comparative data from the ecological literature are used to examine the important processes of element cycling, including atmospheric deposition, canopy processes, plant nutrient circulation, decomposition, animal-insect interactions, soil chemical phenomena, weathering, leaching, gaseous fluxes, forest hydrology and overall watershed biogeochemical responses to disturbance. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission plus BIO 319 and one year of college chemistry.

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 555 - Biological Invasions

    Analysis of mechanisms behind species establishment in new areas, their impact on native ecology, theoretical bases of invasion-related phenomena, and economic and sociopolitical costs inflicted by exotic species. (Note: BIO 455 and BIO 555 cannot both be taken for degree credit).

    Prerequisites & Notes
    graduate standing and permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 572 - Paleoecology

    Explores how paleoecology expands the temporal scale of ecology, how climate change has affected terrestrial and freshwater systems over the Quaternary, and how lake ecosystems have changed in recent centuries. BIO 572 and BIO 476 can not both be taken for degree credit.  Lec 3, Lab 3.  

    Prerequisites & Notes
    An ecology course, e.g. BIO 319 or permission.

    Credits: 4
  • BIO 574 - Neurophysiology

    A biophysical approach to the detailed workings of peripheral and central nervous systems connecting structure (molecular, subcellular and specialized tissues) to function (physical and neural), through wet lab experiments on living cells, and/or computer-assisted exercises. Lec 2, Lab 1.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    graduate standing and permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 580 - Cell Biology

    Examines the fundamental cellular, sub-cellular and molecular characteristics of cells with emphasis on structure and function of organelle systems common to eukaryotic cells. Note: Because of overlap, BIO 480 and BIO 580 cannot both be taken for degree credit. Lec 3.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIO 200 or BIO 208 or SMS 201, and either CHY 252 or BMB 322; or consent of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • BIO 583 - Cell Biology (Lab)

    A laboratory course consisting of exercises employing techniques commonly utilized in cell biological research, with an emphasis on skills essential for a career involving cell biology lab work including mammalian cell culture and cellular energetics. Note: Because of overlap, BIO 483 and BIO 583 cannot both be taken for degree credit. Lab 2.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BIO 580 or concurrently; or consent of the instructor.

    Credits: 1
  • BIO 593 - Advanced Biometry

    A course in advanced graduate statistics oriented towards the environmental sciences. This course is intended as a breadth-oriented survey course that will expose the student to all types of statistics one might encounter in environmental research. It will review and place into a more general context ANOVA and regression, cover philosophy of science/modes of statistics (Bayesian and Monte Carlo), random/mixed/hierarchical models, generalized linear models (including logistic and Poisson regression), modern regression (robust, non-linear, machine-learning), multivariate statistics, and spacial/temporal statistics.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 4
  • BIO 597 - Special Topics in Biology

    As available.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate standing or permission of the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1-6
  • BIO 687 - Problems in Biological Sciences I

    Individual research projects conducted by graduate students under faculty supervision. Research topics should be different from topics of their thesis research.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of the instructor. May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1-6
  • BIO 688 - Problems in Biological Sciences II


    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of instructor

    Credits: 1-6
  • BIO 699 - Graduate Thesis/Research

    Graduate thesis or research conducted under the supervision of student’s advisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Students who have not yet completed a “Responsible Conduct of Research” course approved by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Graduate School ( must receive permission to enroll in thesis/ research credits. Students must enroll in an RCR course before or concurrent with their third credit of thesis/research.


    Credits: Ar

Biomedical Sciences

  • BEN 502 - Advanced Materials in Bio-inspired Engineering

    This course will cover advanced materials inspired by nature using directed problem solving and hands-on exploration, building on information learned in BEN 403.  Students will be exposed to the power of an integrated approach to engineering which draws on biological principles and materials science to create the materials of the future.  Class notes: students will need to have a good background in chemistry, physics, biology, and mathematics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BEN 403.

    Credits: 3
  • BEN 503 - Advanced Instrumentation Design

    This project based course will focus on the rational design of instrumentation for the observation and quantification of specific phenomena in complex and biological systems.  A range of widely used clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques will be reviewed through study of literature.  Individual student projects form the basis for class discussion where theory, design, component specification and assessment, of capabilities and limitations, are explored.  Sensitivity analysis will be employed to identify design weaknesses and fundamental design limitations.  Detailed and fully specified instrumental designs will be produced and their feasibility assessed.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • BEN 512 - Modeling of Biomedical Systems

    This course will focus on the use of advances computational tools to help quantify biomedical solutions that address clinical, therapeutic, and diagnostic problems.  The use of a finite element program to describe situations such as blood flow in complex passages, flow in microfluidic devices, oxygen transport in tissue, and drug delivery will be emphasized as well as other techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • BEN 580 - Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering

    In this course we explore cutting-edge computational methods and their applications to study biomedical data, from DNA sequence data, to fluorescence microscopy, radiography, holography, and next-generation label free imaging techniques.  Computational tools studied including scripting languages such as Python and Perl, statistical software such as R, and image analysis software such as ImageJ.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • BMB 520 - Introduction to Image Analysis

    The current expectations of rigor and reproducibility in biomedical sciences require quantification of results obtained through microscopy.  This course introduces students to the basics of working with the digital microscopy images and focuses on the quantification of fluorescence microscopy data using ImageJ and MATLAB.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • BMS 525 - Molecular Genetics

    Material covered includes structure of DNA, genes, and genomes and how they affect the gene expression and regulation as well as an introduction to web-based tools for viewing sequence and genomics information.  This course will also require reading and discussion of the recent scientific literature.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • BMS 605 - Professionalism and Responsible Conduct of Research in Biomedical Science and Engineering

    The National institutes of Health defines responsible conduct of research as the practice of scientific investigation with integrity.  It involves the awareness and application of established professional norms and ethical principles in the performance of all activities related to scientific research.  Case studies will be used to explore current issues related to the responsible conduct of research, with a focus on the professional and ethical principles.  Through weekly readings, didactic presentations and small group discussions and role playing, students will learn to critically examine ethical questions that arise int he practice of scientific research, and identify the most responsible course of action.  Topics include mentor/mentee responsibilities and relationships, collaborative research, authorship, peer review, conflicts or interest, data management, human subject protections, animal welfare, laboratory safety, research misconduct, and ethical issues in biomedical research.  Application of the established norms and ethical principles will promote honesty, accuracy, rigor, and reproducibility in research while providing an inclusive and supportive scientific research environment.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMS 625 - Foundations of Biomedical Science & Engineering

    Course provides an overview of fundamental/critical issues in biomedical science and engineering today.


    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-4

  • BMS 630 - Journal Club in Biomedical Science and Engineering

    Reading, critiquing, and discussion of primary literature.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMS 635 - Current Approaches in Biomedical Science & Engineering

    Current techniques, methods and concepts in Biomedical Science & Engineering topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMS 625

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMS 640 - Experimental Methods in Cell & Molecular Biology

    Focuses on a wide range of common techniques used in cell and molecular biology. Students will be expected to understand principals, assays, methods, and interpretation of data generated using these techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • BMS 645 - Biology Tissue Development and Function

    Cellular biology of tissue development in the context of receptor signaling, cell-cell interactions, and tissue function, including major receptor-mediated signaling pathways and how these pathways integrate to control tissue development and function.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BMS 640

    Credits: 3
  • BMS 650 - Grant Writing in Biomedical Science & Engineering

    This course is intended to teach you the basics of writing a grant to secure funding for your scientific and/or engineering research.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • BMS 660 - Cell, Molecular and Developmental Neurobiology

    Directed reading with discussion, supplemented by reading and discussion of classic papers in the field of Neuroscience.

    Prerequisites & Notes

    Credits: 3
  • BMS 690 - Special Topics in Biomedical Science & Engineering

    Current and emerging topics in the field of Biomedical Science and Engineering. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate Standing.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BMS 699 - Graduate Thesis/Research

    Graduate thesis or research conducted under the supervision of student’s advisor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Students who have not yet completed a “Responsible Conduct of Research” course approved by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Graduate School ( must receive permission to enroll in thesis/ research credits. Students must enroll in an RCR course before or concurrent with their third credit of thesis/research.

    Credits: Ar

Business Administration

  • ACC 507 - Advanced Accounting

    This course covers several major topics:  the theory of accounting for business combinations including mergers and acquisitions; foreign currency transactions and translations; and formation, operation and dissolution of general partnerships.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 301, BUA 302.

    Credits: 3
  • ACC 515 - Advanced Federal Tax Topics

    The course examines federal tax principles associated with the formation and operation of corporations, partnerships and S corporations. The basic concepts and process of doing tax research are also introduced. An overview of other topics such as the federal estate and gift taxes, tax-exempt organizations, and current tax issues are discussed.


    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 312 or equivalent or permission from Business School Office of Graduate Programs.


    Credits: 3

  • ACC 608 - Topics in Accounting

    Course coverage varies.  Recent courses have included readings in accounting history and theory, accounting research using the FASB’s Codification to answer complex accounting issues presented in case studies and discussions of contemporary national and international accounting issues.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 301 and BUA 302 or equivalents. Must be in a graduate degree or certificate program.

    Credits: 3
  • ACC 697 - Field Experience in Accounting

    Field experience in accounting relevant to the student’s educational development and career goals. Neither past work experience nor field experience courses taken at other campuses or universities will be permitted as substitutes. Course may be repeated, but student may not earn more than 3 internship credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Permission of Business School Office of Graduate Programs; only open to students in the Accounting MBA.

    Credits: 1-3
  • BUA 561 - Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems

    This course is designed to explore the dimensions of knowledge management that influence the competitive advantage of organizations.  Major topics include the ability to harness intellectual capital for innovation, knowledge creation, sharing, storage and accessibility.  Appropriate technologies will be used to apply these concepts. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Seniors or graduate students in good standing.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 601 - Strategic Data Analysis

    To inform organizational decisions, students will learn to identify business problems, differentiate types of big data, propose a research question, and think critically about which statistical processes and applications will yield insights from the data.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Graduate Standing in a Degree of Certificate Program of Permission from the Graduate Business Office

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 680 - Foundations of Business Intelligence and Analytics

    This course presents the philosophical and technical foundations of business intelligence and analytics.  The philosophical principles of business intelligence and analytics are discussed.  Important fundamental concepts and tools in business intelligence and analytics are introduced using a structured and integrated approach that moves from initial data collection to final decision outcome assessment.  Throughout the course, conditional reasoning and logical thinking in terms of process and systems are emphasized.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MBA student or permission from Business School Office of Graduate Programs. 

    Must be in a graduate degree or certificate program.

    Credits: 3

  • BUA 681 - Data Management and Analytics

    This course introduces students to different types of data commonly collected in business settings.  Students will also learn basic skills of managing and wrangling the business data using analytical techniques like structured query language and data visualization in R, an environment for statistical computing and visualization.  Knowledge of basic statistics through linear regression is helpful, but not necessary.  The course assumes students have had no previous exposure to computer programming.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 601 or instructor permission

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 682 - Data Pre-Processing for Business Analytics

    This course is designed to enhance student’s understanding of data quality problems commonly encountered in business environments including but not limited to missing data, noisy data, and data biases.  This course discusses mechanisms of these problems and their impact on data analysis and modeling results and presents how to solve these problems by using different data pre-processing techniques such as imputation, integration, normalization, and transformation.  Students practice these techniques with business data sets using mainstream analytical software.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 680 or permission

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 683 - Information Visualization

    This course presents a variety of data visualization techniques to graphically summerize business data information.  Students will learn to create charts, maps and other visualizations to create effective graphical displays of business data that tell meaningful business stories.  Students will also learn to critically evaluate examples from print media and the internet after learning the foundations of information visualization. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MBA student or permission from Business School Office of Graduate Programs.  Must be in a graduate degree or certificate program. 

    BUA 601 or equivalent, or permission

    Credits: 3

  • BUA 684 - Business Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

    This course introduces students to a variety of cutting-edge mining methods for the purposes of supervised learning and unsupervised learning.  Students will apply these methods to analyze data in different business functional areas such as marketing, accounting/finance, operation, and management across industry sectors.  The course emphasis is on learning valuable data information from the data analysis results and discovering interpret able and meaningful knowledge that can support better business decision making.  Mainstream analytical software is used intensively to analyze real business datasets.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 380 or permission

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 685 - Problem Solving and Decision Analysis

    This course is dual focused on business problem formulation and decision analysis.  First, the course introduces students to a variety of ways to formulate a business problem and identify its decision alternatives using systems thinking and process thinking.  Second, the course presents core concepts and techniques for conducting data-driven decision analysis (e.g. utility/objective function, linear/nonlinear optimization, and simulation optimization) with purpose of recommending optimal decision options by taking advantage of the results of predictive analytics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    BUA 685 or permission, MBA student or permission from Business School Office of Graduate Programs, Must be in a graduate degree or certificate program.

    Credits: 3
  • BUA 686 - Predictive and Business Forecasting

    This course presents a set of topics in developing analytical methodologies that make prediction and forecasting about future events of interest to individual business and industry in general.  Students are introduced to managerial techniques and analytical models that reveal valuable relationships in economic and business data for supporting short-term and long-term planning.  Students will learn how to build the models, how to interpret the predictions and forecasts produced from the models, and how to evaluate the reliability of the model results.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MBA student or permission from Business School Office of Graduate Programs.  Must be in a graduate degree or certificate program.

    BUA 601 or equivalent or permission.

    Credits: 3

  • MBA 545 - Selected Topics in Business Administration

    Detailed study in various aspects of functional areas of accounting, business analytics, finance, management, marketing, and management information systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MBA student or permission from Business School Office of Graduate Programs.  Must be in a graduate degree or certificate program.

    Credits: 1-3

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